~Am I There Yet~

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Sense I was in the limo for 2 hours, my butt starting stinging a bit. I squeal a little as I giggle. One of the guard open the door as another student enter the limo and sat right next to me. She smiled.
"Hello, r u new." She smiled alit and stared at me. I looked back at her all silent. As I open my mouth and nothing came out. I coughed a little.
"S-s-s-orr, uh i mean sorry." I coughed. She looked at me and patted me and patted my back.
"You ok?" She kept patting my back as she stared at me with a confused face. I nodded as I asked for her name.
"Oh! My name Lotte. Nice to meet you." She shooked my hand as she made that beautiful smile on her face. I blushed just a bit. Ugh. If she smiles again I'll. . I'll. . Pull my hair!
"Hehehe well my name is ...." I got cut off as she put her clean ass finger on my lips.
"I know."
"You do?"
"I know everyone, Akko." She winked. "Am I right."
I rubbed my head with amazement and nodded. Who knew, she was a stalker maybe.
The limo stopped again for the next girl. She had pink hair with weird color skin which made her looked like a weird ass vampire.
She sat right next to Lotte and she waved at me and said
"hi. Your both new right."
"Uh, yeah." I said. "R u?"
"No shit Sherlock, why do you think I'm here then." I stayed silent for a bit. As she held out her hand.
"My name Suey." She smirked. As I grasped my hand on hers.
The car stopped again as they opened the doors for us. I gasped and almost faint. It was so beautiful. I never been to this school and never heard of it. But I was invited or was it a mistake. Who knows......

I was playing Minecraft and I got bored so yeah XD
See ya

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