Part 4

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I forgot about writing stories so for long. Sorry, I just been like busy or addicted to instagram. I was thinking of doing a story for the South Park fandom and I will do. Laptop is fix so this is typed on my phone. The rest full out laptop!

Dear Me,
I remember when I first came here, it was an experience. Laughter, fun, and plus two new cool friends. One of them is especially cute. In my taste I enjoy them to be bashful and smart. It's been two weeks since I had moved here away from my family and old friends with no contact at all. To be honest it's upsetting to be so far away from your love ones but sometimes you just got to do whatever for those goals.
Love, Me.

Akko finishes writing in her diary at 6:30 in the morning. She wakes up early to write her secretive stories about her life to just keep her busy from being neuronic. Akko tosses the book under her bed making a loud bang. It may have awoken Lotte or Sucy.

"What was that?" Lotte awoken panicking.

"Oh, sorry it was nothing just me. You know being stupid, like always." Akko sticks out her tongue playfully. Surprised Sucy was still asleep throughout the sound and conversation.

"Go back to sleep." Akko exclaimed.

"What's the point? I already woken up."

"But it's saaaaturday!" Akko twirls around in her 399 chair. (Aye Pewdiepie)

"I guess you have a point." Lotte sighs brushing her bangs behind her ear. "Do you have anything planned?"

"Apparently not. But maybe just you and me hang out, sometimes. Alone?" Akko fingergunned a bit being an awkward mess.

"Leaving Sucy behind?" She replied.

"What do you think being alone with two people mean?" Akko responded sarcastically, "Your the smart one here, you shouldn't have figured out."

"I'm sorry. But I would like too. You know hang alone...."

T O B E C O N T I N U E... everything else will be laptop written and yes longer!

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