Chapter Two

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A chorus of  "Welcome to the team"s and "congrats on your score"s filled the room and Mike found himself feeling much more comfortable because of the sheer friendliness of his team.

"This is our team leader Aaron Hotchner," Derek stated with pride while gesturing to a somber man in a neatly pressed suit.

"It's an honor to meet you sir and to be a member of this team."  He stated quickly to his new leader, wishing his hair to cooperate just once.

Hotchner nodded and slightly smiled in response.

"Please let that mean he likes me," Mike thought quickly to himself.

"This is Agent David  Rossi and Agent Emily Prentiss." Derek continued pointing to an older man whom Mike recognized instantly as his favorite author and hero growing up. The other Agent, a tall dark haired woman seemed nice enough after all she had been one of the first to welcome him.

"Wow I'm such a huge fan of yours Agent Rossi, I've read all of your books sir." Mike gushed.

"Look someone reads your books Rossi," laughed Emily as she playfully nudged the older agent.

"Bring your copies one day and I'll give you an autograph kid." Rossi joked with a smile.

"This is Agent Jennifer Jereau and our Tech specialist and my baby girl Penelope Garcia." Derek stated happily as he gestured to a tall thin blonde woman and another crazily dressed woman that made Mike feel better about his appearance.

"You can call me JJ, and it's great to have you on this team Mike." JJ stated happily, Mike instantly profiling her as a kind motherly figure.

"You can call me whatever you like!" Joked Garcia as she scribbled on a piece of paper with a sparkly pink pen. "But the terms "future wife" and "baby girl" are for Derek only." She continued causing Mike to start laughing.

"Finally this is Doctor Spencer Reid, pleas remember the doctor for the love of God, and Agent Elizabeth, well Eliza, Rawling." Derek finished pointing to two agents that looked close to Mike's age.

The Doctor looked awkwardly at him and gave a slight head nod, which Mike returned.

"Welcome to the team! It's going to be great to have you here, even though I'm still the youngest." Laughed the girl, Eliza.

The girl made him stop dead in his gaze.

She was the epitome of beautiful, but in the unconventional way. She had dark blonde curls and pale pale skin that almost blended with the  room's walls. She had a big smile which extended to her blue eyes. Mike could feel his pulse quicken.

"Garcia get the presentation ready, Warren you can go ahead and take a seat next to Rawlings, let's get started." Hotchner stated.

Smoking Gun (Criminal Minds meets Graceland)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя