Chapter 4

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Eliza laughed softly as she walked to her desk, a protective Spencer and the rookie Mike trailing her.

"Wheels up in 30 is Hotch's way of saying to grab your stuff because the plane is leaving for Seattle in thirty minutes." She explained as she began packing her button-coated satchel, and Reid was grabbing his laptop.

"I-I wasn't expecting to leave so soon..." Mike trailed off, anxiously biting his lip.

"Don't worry, the other boys will have stuff you can borrow for now, we rarely have time to change clothes once we get there. Spencer will take you to the locker room where Morgan and Rossi should be." Eliza stated happily, noticing Reid's awkward look at her.

"See you in 30 then!" Mike called after her.

"It's 25 now!" Eliza called back, laughing as she walked to where her suitcase was.

After he had obtained some shirts and a toothbrush from Rossi and Morgan, Mike happily was on his way to the plane, talking with his hero.

"Excited? Nervous?" Rossi asked as he walked next to him, Reid and Morgan a ways away.

"Excited that I get to do something interesting, nervous that I might mess it up." Mike admitted, adjusting his satchel nervously. He couldn't help but remember Eliza having the crazy buttons all over hers.

"Well don't worry about it. If it's going to be a bad case for you it's fine. All of us have bad cases. Need any advice before we board this flying death trap? And yes, I'm not a fan of flying." Rossi said with a shrug, putting on sunglasses and reading through the case file one more time.

"In all honesty Rossi, how do I get everyone to like me? You're all such a close team and I really want to fit in." Mike sighed, looking at the fancy jet in front of him, his excitement replacing whatever anxiety he had had.

"Well you've won over me kid, Morgan thinks you'll be fun to have around, mostly as a wingman. Emily likes you, as does JJ, but then again they like everyone. Hotch will be more open, just give it time. Eliza seems to like you quite a bit. Spencer just takes time...he's not the most socially competent person sometimes." Rossi stated with a smile as he ascended the stair case.

"Spencer and Eliza seem like good friends, so maybe that will make him like me more?" Mike supplied cheerfully as he nodded to the pilot.

"Yeah they were...well are close." Rossi stated with a chuckle as he took a seat next to Agent Hotchner.

The jet was amazing, Mike looked around in awe. Yesterday he had been getting speeding tickets and now he was on a private government jet. Briggs had been right, this job was amazing.

Mike took notice of everyone on the plane. Hotchner and Rossi sat discussing the case. Morgan flung himself into a seat and quickly put on his headphones as Spencer rambled to him and anyone who would listen. JJ was texting someone, presumably her husband, judging by her wedding ring. Emily was drinking coffee and typing on a lap top in another chair. Eliza was sitting on this couch thing along the side of the plane, with a seatbelt tightened around her waist and a large book in hand, which was even paler from holding the book so tight.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he took the empty seat next to her.

"I just hate planes. And heights. And plummeting to my imminent death." She laughed weakly in return.

"Let me provide a distraction then," he said with a friendly smile, "why did you join the BAU?"

"Long story..." She said with a laugh as Reid took a seat next to them, done rambling to the unenthusiastic Morgan.

"We have a few hours to kill." Mike said with a chuckle.

"So does the woman we are after in Seattle." Reid supplied with a weak smile.

" Reid supplied with a weak smile

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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