Chapter Three Eliza

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Eliza watched as the horrific photos filled the screen, she fought unwavering urge to cry out angrily and lose her head. She hadn't went to college for this lifestyle, she remembered when she had wanted to be a writer. She had gotten thrust into the this life, although she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

She felt Reid she adjusted her mental wording, move slightly closer to her to offer comfort. She couldn't help but still be upset about the Maeve incident that had ended their romantic relationship, but for her and Reid's sales she decided not to be bitter about it. After all, he was her closest friend.

"Female students have been going missing in Seattle and winding up stabbed at nearby landmarks." Garcia explained as she passed out files and clicked through slides of the graphic incidents.

Eliza and Hotchner made eye contact with each other. Both of them had lived in Seattle at some point, Eliza was interning and Hotch had once been a police captain. They were both always horrified to see their city pop up on the screen.

"No signs of sexual assault," Rossi and JJ said in unison.

"This could be a way to draw negative attention to the city with the worlds fair returning..." Reid babbled out loud.

"Not likely Doctor..." Said a voice from Eliza's other side.

She turned to see the Rookie, Mike, flipping through photos in deep thought. She couldn't help but smile. He seemed so eager and had even spoken out against Reid which should earn him some respect.

"Warren, what do you think this means?" Eliza asked, curious. She could tell he had something to say.

"We'll all I'm thinking of is that all of the victims are young females with no sexual assault...and the stab wounds are not especially deep..." He explained, keeping direct eye contact with Eliza, with the occasional glance and Hotchner or Morgan.

"So the unsub may be a woman." Stated Emily with an encouraging smile. Whether it was to herself or Mike, Eliza wasn't aware.

"We will discuss this more on the plane, wheels up in 30." Hotch stated standing up quickly and walking out of the conference room.

Eliza felt a tap on her shoulder as she got up.

"What the hell does wheels up in 30 mean?" Mike asked.

"What the hell does wheels up in 30 mean?" Mike asked

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