Chapter Three

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Word Count: 4230 (Bosha and Steven)

I glanced away quickly, then back feeling the blush begin to creep upon my cheeks. "I guess we can go bottom to top." I said as I turned towards the stairs. "WAIT!" I screamed. "I didn't mean that bad!" My face felt about a hundred degrees right now. 

"Sure you didn't." I started down the stairs. "So. Where exactly does this lead?" He asked. 

"The basement. It has our television room, and our party room." I opened the door to the television room. "See. Just like every other room to watch videos." 

"Television... Videos. Hum..." I turned and looked at him. 

"What's wrong?" I asked slightly worried. 

"Most people say TV and movies. But you speak in a formal manner. It’s strange." He was looking around the room. 

"I just do it as a joke." Lie. 


"Yes." Double lie. Oh great, I’m turning into a liar just to impress him. "Actually, that was a lie. I always talk like that." I stared at my feet. 

"I know. Where next?" He knew. Great. "Thank you for being honest though. Most people wouldn't." His smile made my heart flutter, oh look away Rafferty, just look away. 

"This way to the party area." Leading the way I opened the door. It was dark and vacant so didn't look as it normally did. My phone was going off in my pocket and as he looked at me I opened the text from Bosha. 

"To the windowwwwwww (/•_•)/" I tried not to laugh. 

"To the walllll \(°_°\)" send.


I showed him the laundry area, the pool, the garage, kitchen, dining room, the washroom located near the sitting room, and then pointed to my father’s room and turned away.  

"What's this room?" He asked nodding at the door just across from my father’s room. There was no way he was going to know what was in there, and he wasn't going in....HEY!  

"It’s nothing. Just extra things. Nothing important. Come on." I tried hard to move us along. But was stopped suddenly when his hands grabbed my arm and spun me around. He bent down and picked me up over his shoulder and carried me back to the door." 

"What's really in there Rafferty?" He whispered into my ear. His breath warm but chilled me. I tried desperately not to shiver but his whispers made that impossible. "Tell me Raf. I know you lied. It’s important. So tell me. Or show me." His fingertips were moving up and down my arms slowly. Very slowly.  

"I’m sorry I lied." Reaching the handle I turned and opened the door. I pressed the button to the light and watched as all the trophies, medals, and plaques began to shine. Sitting in the middle was the piano. Its beautiful shape, stunning oak captivated me.  

My piano was everything to me. Mostly because it was my mothers. If I lost this one thing I lost her for good. I felt his eyes on me. Watching me. Watching me, as I watched my piano.  

"AAU Nationals, 2011, Vault Champion. AAU Nationals, 2011, Uneven Parallel Bars, Champion. AAU Nationals, 2011, High Bar, Champion. AAU Nationals, 2011, Beam Champion, and AAU Nationals, 2011, Floor Exercise Champion. What are these? His voice snapped me out of the trance I was in. 

"I’m in gymnastics. It’s just a hobby." I watched him look all along that wall. I hate showing people this room. Makes me feel like a right arse, and a show off.  

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