Chapter Four

741 11 6

Word count: 4968 (Talon)




"What do you want?" I hissed into the phone.  

"Meet me at your house in 20. I know you’re not home. I will explain there." Her voice had a hint of pleasure to it. Which meant this all couldn't be good. Now the question was, do I go, or do I ignore her and go to sleep.  

My phone vibrated in my hand three times indication that I have a picture message. I opened it, not knowing the number, and with that I knew I had to go. With that picture my hopes crashed down.  

Rafferty made a sound in his sleep, a groan that had my heart skip. Memorizing every line of his angelic face. The fullness of his lips, the point of his nose, the hardness of his cheeks. Looking them over one last time. I slid from the bed, and gathered my things. 

I didn’t bother changing. I programed my number in his phone then called mine, so I knew I would have it. Knowing I was an idiot I looked back at his sleeping figure that was now holding a pillow. Walking to his laptop I opened it moving my fingers quickly over the keys. Hopefully one day he will find this, and hopefully he will read it.


I walked around the last corner and saw her sitting on the hood of her car. God how she annoyed me. Long black hair, green eyes, and those two piercings side by side on her lip just annoyed me. 

"I said 20 Val. Not 22." She was glaring, and I glared right back. 

"What do you want?"  

"I want you, I switched schools, so we can be together." The glare was gone from her eyes. Ugh! 

"I don't want to be with you. I'm sorry." NOT!  

"I'm not giving you a choice. I will tell him all about you Val. Do you want him knowing your secrets?" I have never felt a panic or fear greater then what I was going through now. "I didn't think so. So with that, you are mine. I will see you at school." And with that she got in her car, and she drove away with an awful smile on her face. 

"Valkyrie...what are you doing outside?" I looked up and saw my mother looking down at me. "I thought you were staying at Raffertys house." 

"Mom...." It came out as a whisper, and felt weak, but she heard and she was out the door rushing to me. 




"Raf. Raf. Rafferty!" I jumped awake and glared at Bosha. "Raf where is Valkyrie?" She looked absolutely confused. 

"He's right..." I stopped talking as I turned and saw that he was no longer in the bed with me. "I don’t know." Steven walked in and shook his head. 

"He's not downstairs either. I don’t have his number or I would text him." I looked at Bosha and it seemed she didn't either. I know I didn't. "What time is it?" 

I reached for my phone. "It’s 8:16a-...I guess I do have Valkyries number." I looked at the text message. 

"Hey, had to go. Sry but I couldn't stay and deal with it." Deal with what? I looked at Bosha and at Steven and they looked just as confused as I did. 

"It’s alright that you couldn't stay. What could you not deal with?" I hit send  

"Raf why are your clothes and belts just thrown all over your room?" Steven snapped the question. 

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