1.5 - Xavier

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Avery's POV

Monday. Time for school. Great.

I was pretty reluctant to even be in school for several reasons - first of all, I had to go to the effort of concealing all my bruises in the morning. I rarely even wore makeup usually and now I had to cake it just to avoid questions - hell, even on my neck. Not only that, but I had to adjust my bangs to cover the small cut on my head - luckily, it was barely noticeable. However, there was still the fact that I'd finally have to socialise with people, and I.. just didn't feel like it.

But I did. I got up and I ignored my dad whilst getting ready, ignored his offer of breakfast by grabbing myself a cereal bar and my skateboard before making my way out of the house to school. Because despite how much I didn't feel like going to school, the determination to be nowhere near him was intensely larger.

My first lesson was science, though - as soon as I walked into that lesson the teacher was hounding me, but what he had to say was actually a relief - Dominic and I were being separated. We caused too much trouble together, he said.. The way he spoke made it seem like a punishment but I couldn't be more glad. Well, maybe I could - if Dominic were no longer in the class whatsoever. Or perhaps if he didn't exist at all. But, you know, I take what I get.

So that lesson was spent with me actually being able to do my work, despite Dominic's constant glaring from the other side of the room. At one point I looked him in the eye and sent him a sarcastic bītch smile, which I don't think was the reaction he wanted, but other than that I managed to ignore him.

Then I had maths. I spoke to Luke like normal, except.. maybe not so much. I mean, when I spoke to him it was fine - I just didn't do it a lot. Not much was coming to mind for me to talk about, for some reason. And my head still kinda hurt - oh, and it wasn't so easy to hide the cut on my forehead, I forgot to mention. I made sure to hide it with my hair at all times but if that failed and I happened to be asked about it, I planned to just blame a faulty bathroom shelf - just like I blamed the skateboard for my lip and somehow got away with telling that Michael guy all my bruises were from falling off.. Although I doubt he was actually convinced. Probably left it so he could stop talking to me sooner instead of questioning my bullshīt.

Then we had break. It was the usual, however the conversation mainly circulated between Luke and Kate - they'd become very.. friendly, over the last couple weeks.. Same with Luke and Calum, sort of, I guess Luke was just a likeable guy.. although I don't think Kate and Calum liked him in the same way.. If you know what I mean.

Speaking of liking people.. I hadn't spoken to Calum since we kissed. I saw him yesterday and ignored him. He texted me late that night, probably after getting home from hanging out with his mates, and I ignored that too. I wanted to talk to him, though, I just.. my brain wasn't working.

I looked around the lunch room and soon enough I saw him. For some reason, my heart seemed to skip a beat when I did.. I wasn't used to that feeling. But he wasn't the only one I noticed.

On his table, along with his regular group of friends, was a familiar pink haired boy - Michael?

Okay this is weird. Was it just a thing for Calum to meet new people and just befriend them, like, instantly? First Luke, now Michael.. it was kind of strange.

I didn't realise I'd been staring until Michael actually looked up at me, making me freeze. I thought he'd just glance at me or something but no, he nudged Calum and pointed my way - oh god, why?

They seemed to talk about something before getting up, confusing me. Then they started walking over. Oh. God.

"Hey Avery." Michael grinned when he reached the table with Calum, catching not only mine but Luke and Kate's attention.

"Oh, hey - you go here?" I asked stupidly, immediately cringing to myself at just how stupid I was.

"Oh no I'm just here for the bad cafeteria food." He mocked, shrugging and I rolled my eyes. I could feel Calum staring at me from where he'd sat down beside Luke, talking to him casually even though he wasn't looking at him the entire time. "I was just wondering, uh.. Do you happen to have a brother?" he asked while sitting down.

"What?" I frowned.

"A brother. Because I knew I'd heard your name before, and then I saw Calum over here-" he pointed at Calum who suddenly had a smug look on his face as he waved at me. "-and I remembered seeing a picture of him when I was talking to my friend Xavier. And Xavier said he had a little sister called Avery, and I think that might be you."

No way.. no way was it possible I was actually talking to Michael - my Michael - no, what the hell are the chances that he'd actually move to my neighbourhood? ..And why hadn't he told me - Xavier - he was moving?!

"I.. yeah, that's my brother." I nodded, avoiding eye contact but trying to act natural. Damn, it was way too confusing.. But Michael seemed pretty satisfied with the information, which was clear by him suddenly clapping and letting out a somewhat victorious laugh.

"Dude, does he live here? Like, with you? I'd love to meet him, no joke." He seemed so excited and I felt like a disappointment because the answer was no, no of course he couldn't meet Xavier because not only was he in college but he didn't even know Michael existed.. but he couldn't know that.

I looked over at Calum and realised he obviously knew exactly what was going on.. but instead of being pissed or confused at him, all I could think about was kissing him again.. Goddamnit, Avery snap out of it!

"Well, he.. doesn't live with me." I explained awkwardly, slowly tearing my eyes away from Calum to see Michael - see the smile on his face fade.

"Oh - right. Alright, that's fair enough, I guess." He let out a small chuckle but I could tell he was disappointed. I tried to change the subject of the conversation and yeah, he seemed to get over it, but my mind couldn't get away from the fact that everything seemed to be getting more and more complicated for me. All I could do was hope it would get better.



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