2.0 - Dreams

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I found myself in a familiar place the moment I opened my eyes. I didn't remember closing them, and there was no sign that I'd been sleeping, but my surroundings were clear; I was sat on the stairs of my childhood home. I hadn't seen the place in years, not since I was.. eight?

I looked around nervously, wondering.. what was going on? I climbed to my feet, about to walk down the stairs when I heard a voice.

"Avery?" I recognised that voice.. I hesitated to turn around, scared and confused.. could it be? "Avery, it's me." slowly, I turned around, my heart racing.. then I saw her.

"Mum.." I whispered, frozen from shock. It didn't matter how still I was though as she soon enough began to walk towards me.

"Yes, it's me." her voice was soft and her face seemed to be glowing. I shared similar features with her, the blonde hair and green eyes.. unfortunately I got the detestable anger issues from my father.

"Avery!" of course as soon as I thought of him he had to appear. I saw my mothers face go pale and I quickly turned around, seeing him stood at the bottom of the stairs with a look of anger on his face. "You get down here now."

I glanced back at my mother who was staring at him with what seemed like hatred.. it wasn't a feeling I associated with her but it was there - however, only for a second. The look was dropped when she looked down at me. "Avery, dear, come with me."

Suddenly, something caught my eye; she had a suitcase in her hand.. she was leaving.. again?

"Where are you going?" I frowned, still unable to move somehow. Despite her walking towards me, it seems she never got any closer.. she was always just out of reach..

"Away." she smiled reassuringly, before looking back at my dad with the same disgusted expression as before. "From him."

"You'll.. you'll take me with you?"

"You're not going anywhere." his voice interrupted again, making me turn around to find that he was far closer than he had been before - I stumbled, falling back onto the step behind me.

"Take my hand, Avery, we can leave." I turned my head to look up at her, seeing that she'd also closed the distance between us.

"You're not taking her." my father growled.

"You're not keeping her." Suddenly my wrist was grabbed, being pulled to my feet by my mother.

"Don't you touch her!" He snapped, grabbing my other wrist and pulling me the other way.

"She's my daughter, I'll do what I want!"

"She's our daughter - you're not taking her!" he roared, and they just kept going back and forth, getting louder and louder, pulling me every which way.. I felt like I was going to be ripped in two. I tried to scream at them to stop but they wouldn't, and part of me wished for my mother to win but in the end she didn't..

He got the upper hand and ripped her hand away from me, meanwhile continuing to pull me his way which just threw off my balance and next thing I was hurtling down the stairs, falling into a seemingly never ending darkness as I managed to let out a terrified scream.

The darkness continued to consume me as I heard my parents continue to yell, filling my head with their harsh words, until I saw the wooden floor coming towards me..

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