Chapter 4 Mark's POV

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There was a hospital a few blocks away, so we went there. No one talked.  I put Savannah on a hospital bed. Tom was the first one to speak. He said " Where are we going to go?" I said " Let's just wait till Savannah wakes up!" Hours later, Savannah woke up. I ran to her bed, and said "Savannah how do you feel." She  just looked at me. I said " My name is Mark, do you remember me?" She just stared at me. I screamed " Savannah!" She jumped a little. Then she threw up all over the bed, and some got on me. Then, I threw up to. Noah said " Hey Savannah, do you remember me. She finally answered " I just did." Savannah tried to get up , but almost fell down before I caught her. I said " Take it easy, you broke your leg." Tom whispers to me " I bet you can't wait to carry Savannah!" I just laugh. I think " Does Tom know that I have a crush on Savannah?"  Julia is sitting in a corner, I walk over to her, and say " What's wrong." Julia is looking down at the floor. I say " I'm tired of being ignored, so can you please answer me. She says " I'm fine Mark!" I think " What a rude tone!" Tom, Noah, and I wrap Savannah's leg. Right before I can pick her up, a huge lightning bolt hit the building.

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