Chapter 5 Mark's POV

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I fell to the ground, and hit my jaw on the ground. A burst of pain went through me. My ears were ringing. My vision was blurry. My breathing was short. Tom came up to me yelling " Mark!" " Are you okay!" Then everything just went black and I passed out. When I woke up, I was so sore. I was in a bed too. I looked at my back, and there was a huge scare on my back from the lightning. I scream so loud, Tom woke up and ran to my bed, and slapped me across the face. He says " Mark calm down!" Everyone is looking at me and I feel me checks turning pink from embarrassment. I say " Sorry." Tom says " It's okay." I say " How did I get this?" Tom said " Mark you were struck by lightning!" I just burst out with questions like "Am I okay?" " How long was I out?" Before I could finish, Noah comes up and says " Whoa chill." I think " When did Noah start talking like that?" I try to get up, but Noah and Tom push me back. I screamed and screamed, and I don't know why. I thought I was losing my sanity. My back hurt, when they pushed me. I was still screaming. I said " Oww!" " You hurt me!" I grabbed Tom's shirt, and slapped him, then he grabbed me punched me. A burst of pain shoot through me, and then a long and loud scream. I felt blood.

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