When You Encounter

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**Yes, I am very obsessed with Shadow *-* **
(Y/N) - Your Name
(A/T) - Animal Type

You woke up in a new area. Your head hurt like crazy, too.
"Auuugh..." you groaned. You stuck your hand into your pocket and pulled out your phone. You turned it on and suddenly realized your hand was much larger than the last time you saw. Your arms were also more noodily (and furry, depending on how you picture it). You shrieked and dropped your phone and then held your arm with the other hand, gasping when your other arm was the same.
~3rd P.O.V.~
(Y/N) crawled back to her phone and looked at her reflection on the screen, her breathing shaky.
The ground began to rumble when a loud BOOM was heard.
She looked up to see a large, yellow and round...thing. She crawled backwards as she whimpered, her face clearly showing shock and slight fear. That all changed when a blue blur zoomed into it before it could even manage to say anything to the girl.
"Geez, Zomom! You guys really don't have any manners!"
The blur stopped which let (Y/N) focus on the figure. It was blue and spiky with bright red sneakers with white socks and gloves. The spiky dude jumped into the air and curled into a ball, slamming into the yellow guy referred to as Zomom far away.
The blue guy landed and turned toward the girl still dazed and on the ground. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! What's your name?"
"I'm... I'm (Y/N)..."
"Pleasure to meet you. I have business to tend to. Let me know if you have anymore trouble, alright?"
"Um.. Alright."
He zoomed away, leaving the female slightly confused.
She got up and ran in a direction where things seemed more peaceful and green.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!" I groaned from pure boredom.
"(Y/N), calm down. I told you, Tails is coming to fix it."
So, here's what happened. You were playing Sonic and SEGA Allstars Racing Transformed when Tails bumped into you and pushed you off the track when you were near the finish line. 1st place, too! Out of pure frustration you threw your controller at your Xbox 360, clearly not thinking. So, afterwards your Xbox fell off and smashed into the floor. It obviously is broken after that.
Your friend Sonic recommended Tails to fix it. But, even though you've never really met the guy and it was only a computer, you didn't even want to look at him.
Your door opened and in walked the orange-ish-yellow two-tailed fox. He had a toolbox, some spare parts, and spray paint.
"Hi, Sonic!" he exclaimed. His light blue eyes made their way to you.
"You must be (Y/N). A(n) (A/T) I presume?"
You blew your bangs (hair, feathers, whatever.) out of your face and frowned.
Tails seemed slightly confused. He walked over to the broken Xbox on the table. Pieces were scattered about around it and some were in a tiny pile.
"Jeez. What happened?"
Sonic chuckled.
"Gamer rage!"
Tails laughed a little.
"I'm sure I can handle this.
"I have yet to see something you couldn't, little buddy!"
Sonic pat his back and went to the stairs.
"I'll he upstairs taking a nap if you need me."
You mentally slapped Sonic upside the head as he left you alone with Tails.

The (A/T) used her chaos emerald that she stole from some black and red hedgehog to teleport to Angel Island. She snuck all the way to the temple with the Master Emerald.
She looked around, no sign of that white bat Rouge.
The female rolled her eyes in disgust at the thought of her name. (Y/N) was a treasure thief, much like Rouge. This time she was after the large green emerald, the Master Emerald. She climbed up onto the structure and stared at the massive jewel and all its glory.
"I can't wait to see how much you're worth." she mumbled as she put her hands on it, still observing its large and gorgeous green shine and its massive energy. As she was distracted, a certain red echidna managed to get his hands around her biceps, tossing her over his head and back on the ground underneath the temple.
Her expression was one of pure shock. She quickly got up when the figure landed on the ground right in front of her, holding his fist up and growling.
"I am Knuckles, guardian of the Master Emerald. Just what do you think you're doing?!" he shouted angrily.

(Y/N) was casually walking around the G.U.N. facility. She jumped when she heard roaring and smashing in the training room just down the hall. The female summoned her weapon(s) and sprinted down. She knocked down the door and held it(them) up.
"What's going on-"
There stood a giant creature. Black Arms. She remembered from her research on all of the agents. Agent Shadow was probably one of the most interesting to her.
She ran at the beast and (stabbed, shot, scratched, bashed, etc.) it with her weapon. It turned to her and she donkey kicked it in the torso. It doubled back and she grabbed its feet and swung it through a corner of the wall. It smashed in and it seemed it had been knocked out. (Y/N) puffed out some air and put her weapon(s) away.
That's when a certain black and red hedgehog burst into the room.
"Go to he-..." he trailed off when he saw the beast had been dealt with.
His face went back to his unemotional scowl.
"Who are you."
The female turned to him.
"I'm done."
She bumped past Shadow and proceeded to walk out and off the property.

(Y/N) the (A/T) was in a library. She looked around, browsing the shelves while brushing her fingertips across the spines of dozens of different books and stories. She hummed softly and took a few off the shelf.
She walked to the librarian and left her card on the top of her stack.
The lady, Charlotte (Y/N) learned from her many visits, scanned the codes and gave them back to her.
She leaned a little close with her voice a little quieter than usual.
"That young man behind you at that table seems to like the looks of you." she whisper-talked.
(Y/N) tilted her head and turned slightly, glancing behind her to find a young male light gray hedgehog at a table with a scarf on, looking at her repeatedly.
His yellow eyes kept going to his book to back to her, a light blush on his muzzle.
She coughed a little, her muzzle turning pink as well.
(Y/N) speed walked out of the library, giving Charlotte a wave before closing the door behind her.
She walked to a nearby coffee shop and placed her things on a table. (Y/N) walked over to the cashier and ordered a chai tea, taking a number and walking over to her table, putting it on the post and cracking open her book, her tea coming later on.
After reading about 4 chapters, she marked her spot and stretching, getting a good look around the place to see a handsome light gray hedgehog in another booth a little ways away from hers. She gazed out the window at the sun setting. The beautiful sun going down on the horizon. The buildings only dark silhouettes while the sky was going from light purple to pink, to orange, and then to pale yellow.
Wait.. Handsome light gray hedgehog?
Her eyes flicked back toward the male. She couldn't believe what she was thinking.
'Might as well...' she thought as she picked up her things and walked over to his booth.
"H-Hi... I remember you from the library.." she said softly.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry if I bothered you." he said as he fiddled with his mug of hot chocolate.
He stuck his hand out with a goofy smile.
"I'm Silver the Hedgehog!"
(Y/N) jumped from the sudden action. She reached her hand out and grabbed his, giving it a gentle shake as she smiled softly with a light blush.
"I'm (Y/N) the (A/T)(or your last name.)."

Sonic Boyfriend Scenarios!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora