i'm back home ..chapter7..

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A/N^^ :

I'm so into this story right now!! this is like the third chap I'm gonna upload today (buttfuckit:P)!!I want to make a loveydovey chapter... so I don't know if this chap is gonna be long, or just a short but very-fan-girl-entertaining chapter. I'm just gonna start writing and i'll see what comes out. Have fun reading!! 

~Aoi's POV~

I still feel a little embarraced about the whole moan thing. Maybe it was good that they heared it... Like, it wasn't like we were able to tell them ourselves... But still... it would have been nicer if we could tell them another way... Why did I have to moan like that? Aahh come on Aoi, you know why!


"Oh God Uruha!! you're NAKED!" I said shocked. I put my hand infront of my eyes. "OH SHIT! I didn't know you were here!" he said and he tried to cover himself up with his hands. Well this was akward... I slightly moved a finger, making me able to peek. Uruha was standing there, completly naked, in shock. And I was sitting here, just 'covering my eyes'. *ahum ahumNOTahum ahum* "I... eehh.. I... Could you pass me the towel?" He said shyly. With my free hand I felt the bedsheets I was sitting on. I took the towel and got up. "where are you?" I asked. I felt in the air, as if I didn't know where he was. But acctually, I knew EXACTLY where he was. I wasn't going to screw up this chance of getting even the slightest glimpse of that godlike body. "I.. Here.... Follow the sound... GOD why does my bedroom have to be so BIG?" That sentence made me smirk. yeah, that's what's I find big... The bedroom... I walked over in the direction of 'the sound I heard' But what I didn't see whas the little table standing at the and of Uruha's bed. My little toe smashed against the leg of the table. "FUCKING JEZUS CHRIST!!" I yelled. And I grabbed my foot with two hands, making me see completely again.

I stood up straing and looked Uruha in the eye. I picked up the towel I had dropped without losing eyecontact for a second and walked over to the naked man. "ehh here..." I handed the towel to the man with the now tomato red face. I knew I was blushing too. "th-thanks." He said, still making eye contact. I realized how close his body now was to mine. It was almost like I could feel his warmth. "no pr-" Uruha abrublty cut me off by pressing his perfect lips against mine.

The kiss imediatly became pasionate. he put on hand on my neck and one on my chest, while I put both my hands on his naked hips, pressing his naked body against my clothed one. "This... Isn't... Fair..." Uruha moaned. "hmm?" I brought out still kissing him now making my tongue enter his mouth. "well..." He pulled back. "you're fully dressed while i'm standing here completly naked." He said. I chuckled. "why don't we even up then?" I said. And Uruha immediatly took of my shirt. I unfastened my belt and took of my pants as Uruha whas now exploaring my mouth with his tongue. He carefully took of my boxers and moaned when i bit his lip. I put both my hands on his hips again and lifted him slithly, placing him on his bed. The hand that was on my chest before slowly went down to my navel, and lower. He gently started to stoke my member, wich caused me to slightly moan. He smirked. He then took my cock in his hand and slowly started rubbing it. I kissed and slightly bit his neck, witch made us both moan at the same time. I went down from his neck to his chest, leaving a trail of kissmarks. As I I reached his lower part, he started to moan again "ahh, Aoi... ye-yess" He moaned when I kissed his member. I licked it and then took the cock into my mouth. Stroking it with my tongue making movements up and down, caused Uruha to grasp the bedsheets with one hand and my hair with the other. His hand moved along with my head, showing me the rithem he wanted me to follow. "Ah.. Aoi... It's-It's coming!" He said. I got up and started kissing him. His eyes looked dissapointed. "your turn..." I whispered and I slithly sucked his earlobe. He turned, making me lay on the bottem, and him on top of me. He didn't hesitate, went straight down and took my cock directly in his mouth. He imediatly started moving up and down really fast. I gently placed my hand on his head and slowed him down. "c-can I go inside?" I asked. He stopped and nodded. As I was still laying there he sat on me with a leg on each side of my hips. He slightly went down, making me go inside. "aagghh..." He said. but then he moaned and smiled. I took his cock in my hand, and started stroking it as he went up and down. I felt myself getting to the edge... "Uruha... I'm..." "yes... do it..." uruha moaned "AHHMMMMM!" I moaned as I came inside him.

Maybe a little to loud couse I heared Kai scream "WHAT THE FUCK!?" oops...


I chuckled... Man whas that fun! the reactions of the bandmembers after not as much but whatever... What was it they said on the internet? oh yeah.. DOESN'T MATTER, HAD SEX! i chuckled again. hell yeah I did...

A/N^^ :

A short but intense chap only with Aoi's POV, no Emi, No other gazette members... Just... this... MWEHehehemwhehehuhahahHAMWUHAHAHAHAHEheheheee.. heee... he... yeah...

By the way... I don't know for shure if I should change POV's this often. I was thinking about concentrating on Emi more... COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU PREFER!! AFTER ALL THE STORY IS FOR YOU!! 

This chapter, is dedicated to UnixMizushima. Because i love the stories "Trapped [BoyxBoy]" and "Black Butterfly [BoyxBoy]" CHECKITOUT!  

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