i'm back home ..chapter11..

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A/N^^ :

Hehe a new chap already! I just wanted to continue... I have no idea what about... (buttfuckit:P) we'll see... huehuehuehuehuehue... 

~Emi's POV~ (school (AKA the hungergames:P) has begun.)

"Emi, how was Japan!" 

"You've been to Japan?!" 

"Dude, did you see any anime costplayers?!"

"Japan? That's in Asia right?" 

"Wow! I'm so JELLY!"

"Ug what do you want with those Asians?"

"Ofcourse Japan is in Asia, Tracy, you dumbass!" 

"GUYS!! CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!" I screamed. These people usually never talk to me, but when I did something interesting and expensive, I'm suddenly SOO interesting... "Ugg... She just went to Japan... That's nothing, I've been to Turkey. That's WAY cooler, with a beatch and all!" Tiffany said. She was a tippical PPD, as Dina and I called them. Popular Plastic Doll. And she always wanted to be in the center of attention. "Shut up Tiffany, There is a beach on every side of america." Dina snapped at Tiffany. Her reaction was just an arrogant jawdrop. 

"I haven't done alot in japan actually, I just hung out with my... friends. we just played some music, and had fun..." I said looking at Dina. She was trying to hold in her laughter but was about to fail miserably. There were a few other Gaze fans other than Dina and me. Which was actually pretty rare. it was like all the gazefans of the school were in one class, but we were all pretty different... so not like friends or something. 

"But you said you went alone." Someone said. "Yeah, I made friends there. It was pretty...coincidental." Dina lost it. She got strange looks from everyone, but that didn't do anything to her. I laughed a little too. 

"Ok class, In your chairs. It's your first day, I know, but we have to start at some point!" The math teacher said as she opened her bag and got her textbook out. Everyone left their spot arround my desk and sat at their own. I felt a little proud. UGG you don't even know half of how how much I wanted to tell them my BROTHER is REITA! but I just couldn't, It could get him in trouble... I don't know... 

~After school~

I put down my new bass after I finished playing along to the song and sighted. A prom? Me? No way... I hate them... with their fake noise that they call music... you can't call a computer an instrument! And I just can't stand those PPDs grinding each other to get attention of the "hot" guys... redicilous. That's what I call slutty. Ha, Sluts... 

gururi gururi uzumaki no shita, gururi gururi rasen wo odoru. Kara kata ka... 

"Hello?" I said into my phone. "Hey, it's Dina, What are you going to weare to the prom on friday? You ARE going right?" "Ehh... I don't know... Maybe... ne.. Actually.. I don't think so..." "But the school said they'd get a band!" I could hear from her voice that she was smiling widely. "Hmm... You remember the band from the chrismas prom, Dina? You got me to that prom saying there would be a band, and the guy forgot half of his lyrics and the guitarist had no idea that the other half of the time his guitar was unplugged." "Yeah... But this time you'll love them! Trust me! trust..." That last part I didn't hear properly, because she mumbled it. Why was she acting so sneaky? I sighted. She probebly got a date and wanted to show off again. "Well, I'll see. What did Rei's letter say?" I asked currious. "His letter?! Oh! Nothing!" "Nothing? So, my brother gave you a blank piece of paper? How romantic..." "ehh! No.. It said... Ehh... That he wants me to come to japan and stuff like that... You know... Letter stuff...." "Letter stuff... Hmm.." I was getting suspicous now. Did her sneakyness have something to do with my brother? "But you HAVE to come to the prom! EH... I-Vin said he would go with me if you would go with Vlad. PLEASE!" "What!? NO! I have Kohaku! And what about Akira! You're just gonna let that behind!?"

"Yeah I know, And I turned him down, saying I would look better without him..." she giggled. "But it would look awkward if I didn't go, and I'm not going without you!" "OH... Ok..." I sighted and put my bass in the standard. I slid the poof back on it's place and walked down to my room. "What should I wear?" I said standing infront of my closet. "UG, I'm not gonna say from here. bring your best stuff to my house, and we'll pick our stuff here." "Your place? You're gonna make me get out of my house? Outside? There are people outside! I hate people!" i said with a scary voice. "hahaha... but I have more clothes to pick from then you, so it's easier for you to bring your clothes to my place..."...

~Day of the prom~

I looked at myself in the huge mirror of Dina's room. I looked pretty, even if I had to say it myself. I was wearing a black strappless dress that was tight but at the waist it got all poofy. the seams were red and the strings of the corset too. There was lace at the edge of the poofs which was also red. I was wearing black pumps and i had bright red lipstic on with smokey eyes. My black hair was just hanging over my shoulders. "Good to go?" Dina asked me. I turned arround and looked at her. Damn, My bff looked amazing! Vincent was going to be SOO jealous! "WOW!" I said. Dina's dress matched mine pretty well, actually. She was wearing a red strappless dress, It was pretty plain, over it she was wearing a black blazer/bolero. she had dark red lipstic on and also had smokey eyes. Her footwear: Dark red platform pumps matching her lipstick. "Let's go," I said "and make the best of this miserable night. "Yeah... We'll have so much fun! trust me!" Dina smiled at me showing two rows of perfectly white teeth. Seriously, perfect, she once did a toothpaste comercial when she was 14... 14! 

We got out of Dina's black range rover. As soon as we opened the school doors we were overwelmed with a loud bass sound. Ugg... hardcore trends... And... dubstep? I laughed at the wubwubwubs... It sounded so redicilous... "Where is the band?" I screamed over the music. "They would be a little late. Unprofesional right?!" Dina said still with a big smile on her face. What was UP with this girl? She got her phone out of her pocked and started texting her friends. "Dude! Even at parties?" That girl was a serious phone addict! "I'm gonna get a drink!" I said and I left to the bar.

~Kai's POV~

"Hey, Rei, I know you wanted to spend time with your lil sis, but did we have to take a brake? I mean we have nothing to do now!" I screamed from the kitchen. Reita had called me to cook. the guys were all gathering here he said. Why would he ask me to cook? He hates my cooking... "Hey what are you doing?" I opened the kitchen door and there I saw Reita folding a pile of clothes. Reita? Cleaning? Whut?! "what's this all about?" I asked suprised. "Oh, just getting ready. You should, too." "What? Ready? For what? Why? REITA! PLEASE TALK CLEAR!" Reita just chuckled and continued what he was doing. Then the bell rang. So I went to open it. It was Kohaku. with a suitcase next to him. heh? What was Kohaku doing here. Whas he coming too? ahwell... but why the case? "c-come in..." I said and Kohaku walked in. 

"Not done packing jet?" He asked Reita. Reita shook his head. "Guys?" I asked confused. "Hey, Kai, didn you know Emi's school started yesterday?" Kohaku suddenly asked. I sighted. I was getting angry now. "WHAT. IS. GOING. ON!" I said furriously. Kohaku looked suprised. "Don't you know?" Kohaku asked me suprised. 

A/N^^ :

HEHEH that whas it! (buttfuckit:P)

This chapter is dedicated to GazettEotaku13, because the comment of last chapter was really sweet, thank you, GazettEotaku13! You made me laugh :> 

Well... I'm going to try to upload asp, but not directly, because that'll ruin the suprise... As soon as I get a comment saying the secret word I'll update sooner and it'll also get you a dedication! DON'T BE SCARED! I will update even if noone get's it... 

ok hint:

I love it, it's new, and it never fades...

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