miserable // n.h

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❝ Being happy meant everything to her, yet, she didn't know how to become it. ❞

I guess this is the part where I tell my story, yeah? Well, my names Daisy Willow. I live in Dublin, Ireland with my mom, dad, and little sister Anna. I guess you could say I have it good, a steady family that can keep a roof over my head and food on our tables. But I don't think anyone gets it? Did anyone ever think to ask me if I was happy? It's funny how one screw up can ruin your life forever... but then again, maybe not?

Copyright 2013 © nixlljh

please don't copy my story, i'm working more than hard on it. and remember that if you do copy it, it is illegal and i have every right to sue you.

anyways, i hope you enjoy!

miserable // n.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora