Chapter 6

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"I'll just take a small soda." I shrugged.

"C'mon Dais, you need to eat more then that." Niall frowned, his eyes scanning the menu board.

"I'm honestly not hungry Ni." I reassured him, smiling. He just sighed, muttering an 'okay' under his breath. "Do you need any help with that?" I asked Liam as he walked by carrying his, and Louis tray.

"No thanks, I got it." He laughed. I chuckled as Niall handed me my cup, telling me to go fill it up at the machine. I walked towards the soda vender looking at my choices. After I though it over, I decided on Sprite. I didn't put any ice in it though, fast food restaurant ice is actually dirtier than toilet water.

(A/N This is actually true I did a project on it hah)

My eyes scanned over the small building when I finally saw the boys sitting at a table in the corner. I put a lid on my soda, grabbed a straw, and headed over to the table. As I got closer I noticed two girls sitting there with the boys, they seemed about our ages. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I got closer to the table.

"Hello love!" Harry said as I approached them, everyone's eyes turning to look at me, and that's when I noticed the girls, not just any girls, but Nichole and Jasmine. Nichole Lisy, as in Brandon's girlfriend.

My anxiety took over me as her brown eyes ran over my body in disgust. My hands started to sweat and I felt my face turn red. I started to feel light headed and my vision went a bit blurry.

"Daisy." Jasmine snorted, all the boys looked shocked because she knew my name, and probably because the attitude she gave me.

"H-Hi." I stuttered looking down at the ground, my hair covering my face.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Nichole spat, making the room seem like it was getting smaller by the minute.

"I uh-" I rambled.

"She's here with us, why is that a problem?" Niall stood up for me. They just bursted into a fit of giggles.

"You, One Direction, are here with that." Nichole laughed.

"So you do have a pro-" Louis began but Nichole cut him off with her hand, shushing him.

"She's a freak!" Jasmine yelled, destroying my confidence some more.

"Did you know that she tried to kill herself! Attention seeker much?!" Nichole shouted, getting everyone's attention as she shouted out to the world about my suicide attempt.

"And she's the slut that hooked up with Nichole's ex boyfriend." Jasmine snapped, saying all lies.

"She's slept with like, the whole population of boys at our school. Wouldn't be surprised if she had some type of disease." Nichole smirked, knowing how much this hurt me. She knew this wasn't true, she was making up lies by the second.

"Did you know that she also cuts herself! She's a total dike." Jasmine snarled.

"I mean I'm not surprised she does, I would too if I looked like that!" Nichole taunted me.

"She should just kill herself already! Hah!" Jasmine and Nichole were getting a kick out of this as each of their words actually made me flinch.

I dropped my soda in shock, it's contents spilling all over my shoes and the tiled floor. The boys weren't even helping me, they were just watching everything take place. What happened to 'caring' about me huh!? The lump in my throat grew just as the tears threatened to spill over my eye lids as I looked around the restaurant to see everyone's eyes on me. The workers, customers, by passers, everyone.

"Attention whore!" They yelled in unison, laughing again.

That was it, I took off. I ran out the big glass doors and ran. I ran and ran, I didn't care about the aching in my legs. I was gonna keep running till I found someone to finally end all of this. Just like the girls said I
should just kill myself already! Hah!

I couldn't run anymore so I stopped. I was still on the side of a road surrounded by trees and no cars were passing by. Just me by myself. Nothing I'm not used to, I'm always left alone. I sighed sitting down cross legged on the side of the street, resting my head in my hands.

I can't believe they didn't help me, after all they told me. That they care about me and loved me. How they would always be there for me. I cried into my small hands, my petite body sitting alone on a side of the road as it started to get darker. God help me.

• •

I don't know how much time passed by, but it was now almost pitch black and this road has no street lights. Still not one car passed by, leaving me stranded here. I'm not really sure I want to be found. Part of me wants to stay and die here, but the other half is craving to stay alive for Niall's touch. I need him, but he didn't even help me. He lied to me, and worst of all, I let him in. I was stupid enough to do such a thing and ruin my life.

I should have never gotten close to those boys. They're just trouble. I should have made it clear that we were only strangers living in the same house. But no, that one boy had to be so god damn perfect. From his perfectly gelled blonde hair, and his strong legs that have held me up so many times. His eyes, oh my goodness. You could just stare into that perfect pool of blue for centuries. And those unholy lips that have made me feel like the most special girl ever, from long passionate kisses, and short sweet ones. I never thought I would miss him so much, and I hate myself even more for it.

Now is my only chance. I thought to myself as I saw the head lights of a car approaching. I rushed over to the middle of the street, laying down sideways so there was a 99.9% chance of the car hitting me. The car got closer, as my amount of time on this earth got smaller.

And as I waited for my death, I thought about Anna, and how sorry I am for doing this to her. I though of how happy my whole school would be hearing about my death. I thought about how my parents would react, hearing that their oldest child finally succeeded in killing herself. I thought about how my other family members would take it, I doubt they would care thought. But lastly, I thought of how that light skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired boy that I cared for so much, most likely wanted me dead in the first place.


Hi guys! I updated like I said I would!

It's pretty short but I wanted to leave you's with a cliff hanger. ;)

Alright sooo how about 2 votes for the next chapter aye?

i looooove you! <3

- jc. xx

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