I'll show her

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(A/n you replace Liam and please remember this is a made up so it's NOT REAL SO NOT EVERYTHING IS TRUE)

I gave you a name because I wanted to try it out

Logan's P.O.V

Hey I'm William Logan Payne, but everyone calls me Logan. I'm 16 years old and I'm originally from Wolverhampton, UK. I have no siblings. My parents are Geoff and Karen Payne. But when I was 3 my mom and I moved to Miami, Florida to live with my grandma and grandpa while my dad stayed back home.

I'm classed as the 'popular boy' at the school but I only really have a few close friends named Luke (who I've known since I was 3), Callum (Luke's brother), Michael and Ashton (they kind of just became friends with us in middle school). Those are the boys. The girls I hang with are Alexa, Lucy and Lauren. Well Lauren happens to be more than a friend, she's my girlfriend of 3 years. We've known each other since me and my mom moved here.

Since moving here the Jauregui's were there and still are there for me, my mom and grandparents. They are honestly like my second family. I don't think I'd be here today without them. You see, at the age of 12 I got into a slump and missed my dad like hell and I just wanted to see him, so I took some of my mom's money and booked a ticket back to the UK just to see him. The following day, my mom found out and cancelled the plane ticket, I was broken inside but I understand why my mom did what she did. So when the Jauregui's found out they told me that what I was planning on doing was stupid and that I'm an idiot.

I guess that was the day I realised that even though my dad isn't with me, he still cares and loves me

So, yeah I guess you could say that the Jauregui's were my guardian angels. Whoa, ok no, too much? Definitely. Since when did you hear a 16 year old talking like that? Anyway, I'm here with Lauren chilling and cuddling at my house because it's Saturday and it's early in the morning

"Babe" Lauren says pulling me out of my thoughts


"I love you" and there you go that fuzzy feeling I get every time she says 'l love you' "and I need to tell you something"

"Well my gorgeous girl I love you too and I have to tell you something too"

I sit up against the headboard and she follows me

"Ok well you go first" she says nervously

"But you told me first that you wanted to say something" I tease

"Ugh you're impossible but fine. Why don't we say it at the same time?"

"On 3?" I ask and she nods


"I'm auditioning for X Factor" We both look at each other

"Really?" she asks looking at me in complete shock

"Yea. Are you serious?" I ask

"Yeah, I can't believe we're both auditioning"

"Me either. You'll be so amazing, I know you will" I say hugging her tightly

"Awe babe, you will too. I've heard you sing and I think you'll do amazing" she said hugging me back

"So I guess this could be our last proper time alone for a while then?" she asks sadly

"What do you mean?" I ask pulling away slightly

"Well you're going to do well and I'm probably not going to do that well so-"I cut her off

"Hey you'll do amazing I promise you ok? Don't doubt yourself" I cup her cheeks and look her straight on the eye

She sighs and slowly nods her head

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now