Who Am I?

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This was requested by R_Jauregui there are another 7 of these requested some are female there are some male. In advance I would like to say that I'm not that used to writing an imagine where its female so it might suck. ENJOY!!!

Prompt: you just turned 16 years old and your mom, Lauren Jauregui, always promised to tell you who your real father was when you turned 16, but only if you wanted to know. So after weeks of questioning whether you wanted to know, you finally knew your choice but are you ready for the answer?




Your P.O.V

All my life I'd been called y/n Jauregui. It had always been me and my mum, Lauren Jauregui. Yes, the one from Fifth Harmony.

However, when I turned 13 years old I overheard my mom and my aunt Dinah talking and I found out something I didn't really want to know.



It's currently 11:00 PM and I'm supposed to be in bed but for some reason I couldn't sleep. Something kept me awake and the only way that I would sleep is if my mom sings to me. She does this most night when I can't sleep.

I never knew who my dad was. I remember a man in my life as a baby but I never knew who he was. Every time I'd mention my dad to my mm she'd tense up and brush the subject away, so I've never found out the truth.

I slowly slipped out of bed and stepped into my slippers before tip toeing down stairs. As I edged my way down I could make out a small conversation between my mom and my aunt Dinah, I think anyway. The further down the stairs I got the louder the conversation became. When I reached the bottom and slowly walked to the kitchen where I heard them talking.

I hid behind a wall so that they couldn't see me

"Dinah, it's so hard to lie to her. She's growing older and sooner or later she's going to question where her father is. She's been doing it a lot lately and before you know it she'll want to meet him" my mom sighed while running a hand through her hair. A habit she did when she was frustrated

"I know Laur. But she deserves to know" Dinah rubbed my mom's back supportively

"But I don't want her to know. She's my baby girl, not his and not ours. She's mine" my mom said protectively

Dinah sighed "Babe. I know you want her to yourself but she has a right to know who her dad is. What if you were in her position, huh? Wouldn't you want to know who your father is?" Dinah whispered

My mom didn't answer her she just began to cry on her shoulder. So she's been hiding who my father is? Why? Is he that bad? Does he hate me?

I had picked up enough courage to make my presence know. I stepped from behind the wall and opened my mouth

"So you hid who my father is?" I said quietly. Both of the older women turned to face me. My aunt Dinah looked at me with sympathy where as my mom looked at me in pure shock.

"Baby go back to bed it's late" my mom tried to brush the conversation off again but this time I wanted to talk and I wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer

"NO!!" I yelled, scaring the other women "you always push it to the side like it doesn't matter but it does. I want to know who my other parent is! Why can't I know? What gives you the right to hid it from me?"

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now