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What is happening to this fandom? When I first joined we all cared for one another, we stood by all of the girls no matter what they did. Now? Now we're at each others throats, throwing disgusting and vile comments towards other people in the fandom and towards the girls themselves! Why? Why are we doing this? 'Ot4' stand and 'camilnisers' or whatever they are called are breaking this fandom apart! If you want Camila to go solo that's up to you but it doesn't mean you can call the other girls some cruel names. The hate towards Normani is uncalled for! She is a strong, independent, brave young female who has been the target of some sick and horrible posts. Normani has worked so so hard over the past 4 years, as much as the other members of Fifth Harmony but because she's black that means 'fans' can treat her like shit? Post racist tweets, pictures and videos about her? No no it does not! It should mean that she is respected just as much as the others! Sometimes I am embarrassed to be part of the fandom because of the way we are with the other girls! This fandom has changed over 4 years and not for the best! We need to get this fandom back to the way it was! No drama, no threats and more respect for our idols! I'm not sorry for this post, you can whatever you want to me because I honestly don't care anymore. It's my opinion and you may not agree but that's your opinion and I'm not going to say you can't express it but there are appropriate ways to express what you feel!

 It's my opinion and you may not agree but that's your opinion and I'm not going to say you can't express it but there are appropriate ways to express what you feel!

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Look at her beauty! How can some of you sit behind a screen and throw degrading words at such a beautiful woman? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Because if makes you a coward! You throw insults are a woman ...

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Look at her beauty! How can some of you sit behind a screen and throw degrading words at such a beautiful woman? Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Because if makes you a coward! You throw insults are a woman who has done nothing but inspire a whole new generations along with 4 other amazing girls but her side!

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now