Living By His Word

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The more I read, the more I learned about what kind of character and life I should be living. I changed the way of my lifestyle like Not Being Easily Angered, Not Holding Grudges, Forgiving People No Matter What They Did Or How Many Times, Etc...

I also learned about the fruit of the spirit, LOVE JOY PEACE PATIENCE KINDNESS GOODNESS  FAITHFULNESS GENTLENESS AND SELF-CONTROL.   I am trying everyday to be that kind of person in genuine character. It has really changed my heart and yes I have challenges when I break and end up doing something against his word but I pray for the forgiveness of those times.

He can read my heart and say that I am now TRULY SAVED!!! I want to help others with my story that is barely HALF WAY over.

God threw many challenges at me during this year and now I look back at see why he did all of it. It's truly amazing and I can't wait to share it. <3

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