Im baaaaack...

143 8 6

Febuary 28th 2016

- So, I'm not sure how many of you are still following me but i left wattpad for a little while. But I was taking a walk the other day around nature and it inspired me to continue the series.
Yes, i know ive said
"Im gonna leave forever"
Like... What? Three times so far.
But i think im gonna stay perminately for a little while. I mean, it has been over a year since the last update, if not, very close.
I feel bad for not continuing it anyway. I know a lot of you liked it.
But before i do anything, i think i will edit the series and try to inprove the chapters.
Because i wrote them was i was 12.
I had a horrible vocabulary. And im almost 15 so i figured i would try to fix it up with lots of good ol' proper grammar ;D
See you all in a bit!!!

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