Chapter Four

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After months of no activity... Darkshade101.... Has RETURNED!!!!! *dramatic music starts to gore louder*

HELLO ALL sowwy it's been so friggin long! I feel like a bad person for leaving you guys hanging. So as you know, school is literally around the corner, or for some, already started. I really should've been writing but... What ya gonna do. I got hooked with my second account on a book I'm writing about CreepyPastas. The account name is...


I WUV DEM. Toby is mine. *snatches Toby fro your grasp

ANYWHO! Let's start reading people!!!!

Darkpaw's tail twitches as the loud sound of the monsters roar by, blasting in her ears. Se lifts her head, blinking her bright amber eyes. She look around the room at the old wooden furniture and cracked plaster walls. She stands up ad stretches as Jay walks into the room purring.

"What's got you so happy?" She asks drowsily. Jay smirks.

"Well, I found a great new food stock out in an alley not far from the old alley. He says lifting his tail high in the air. Darkpaw perks her white-tipped ears and trots over to Jay's side.

"Lead me to it." She announces excitedly. Jay nods and hops onto the windowsill and out the shattered window. Darkpaw follows behind leaping into the soft green grass. They get to the alleyway to see a large dumpster.

"This is the good source that you were so excited about?" She mutters. Jay dips his head.

"Check it out yourself." He says. Before Darkpaw could take another step, a sharp yowl sounded from the front of the alley.

"The only checking out you'll be doing, is to check out of HERE." Hisses the pale gray shecat they recognized as none other than Purdy, Scourge's niece. Jay turns around, tail puffed out.

"We found it, it's ours.." Jay spats.

"Well, we marked it, it's ours. The tom named Will spat. Jay looked over at Darkpaw and back at the rogues. To this, Purdy chuckled.

"Oh, Jay... Always so indecisive." She sneers lunging at Jay. Purdy grabs his throat and bites down. Jay yowls in pain and throws her off, blood trickling down his legs. Purdy scratches at his ear and slashes open his shoulder. Jay hissed and bites her shoulder. Striker jumps out at Darkpaw while she's distracted and clamps down on her leg. He scratches at his head but he doesn't let go.

"Do it... Don't be afraid.." The deep voice in her head says. He grabs the toms throat in her jaws and clamps down with all her might. Blood flows into her mouth causing her to gag, but she bites harder and harder into she pulls away, bringing the toms throat with. Striker screams and struggles to breathe from the amount of blood choking him. He galls to the ground and gasps before he goes limp.

"Darkpaw help!" Jay screams as will and Purdy drag their claws through his smooth brown fur turning it crimson. She slams her body down on will and drag ever claws across his flank. He screams and try's to dig his claws into her side. Darkpaw quickly dodges and grabs his neck. She throws him to the ground, pinning him with her blood red paw. She sinks her long claws his chest and tears into his chest cavity, he screams and she sends him flying with a swift whack across the head. He hits the wall a loud crack splits through the air. Purdy gasps and spats.

"Jay, help me!" Darkpaw yowls. But for some reason, Jay doesn't come. Rocky comes tumbling into her fro out of nowhere biting down on the back of her neck. Lucky for her, he aimed wrong and sends him flying into the wall. Darkpaw dogs her claws into Rocky's throat, dragging her claws through his flesh like cutting through paper with scissors. Blood sprits through the air as Rocky's legs buckle beneath him and he collapses into a motionless heap on the ground. Purdy looks around nervously and hissed at Darkpaw who stands over Rocky's dead body, victory and ambition glowing in her eyes.

"Go." He hissed at Purdy as the gray shecat darts away. She turns around at Jay's mangled body huddled in a corner.

"C'mon Jay, let's go." She says, but Jay doesn't move. "Jay?" She asks again, she takes a few steps forward and Jay hisses.

"What did you just do?" He gasps.

"I killed them. They won't bother us anymore." She murmurs.

"You just killed three of the strongest cats in Twolegplace. What are you?!" He screams. Darkpaw backs away slightly confused.

"I don't understand. We won, Jay. Isn't this glorious?!" She yowls triumphantly. Jay shakes his head.

"You're not the same. You're crazy! You're a m." He says hesitantly. He walks to the sidewalk. Darkpaw tried to follow but he swipes at her.

"No... No. Just go alright. I need time to think..." He slowly turns and then begins sprinting down the sidewalk. Darkpaw watches as her former friend disappears down the road.

Look what you've done, now... Hisses the voice in her head. She shakes the though out if her mind and walks towards the forest. There's only one thing to do. Go back to the Clans and get your life back. The burning sensation of hatred in her veins grows as she walks on. She approaches the all-so familiar thunderpath and runs across into ShadowClan territory. She approaches the camp entrance when she hears the sharp yowl of a forest cat behind her.

"What are you doing here?!" Hisses a toms voice. She turns around to see a muscular light brown tom standing over her huddled small body.

"Oakfur, it's alright. Maybe she needs help." Says a tortoiseshell shecat.

"But Tawnypelt... It smells like a Kittypet." He spats. Darkpaw glares and stands up towering over the small tom. A brown tabby looks over at Tawnypelt and whispers in her ear. Tawnypaw's eyes widen as she looks directly at Darkpaw.

"My friend here says he thinks he recognises you... Darkpaw?" She says. Darkpaw nods slowly and cautiously. Tawnypelt pads forward and nuzzles the dark tabby's white throat.

"Yeah, it's me." Darkpaw smiles.

"Creeksplash it's her! Wait until Blackstar hears the news!" Tawnypelt shrieks. Oakfur looks over at Darkpaw and tips his head.

"Is it really you?" He asks. Darkpaw nods and he steps forward.

"Your scars..." He murmurs nuzzling her cheek. Darkpaw closes her eyes and try's to be as affectionate as she can without ripping Oakfur apart. "I'm so sorry." He says.

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry." She says solemnly, following behind Creeksplash and Tawnypelt. All the ShadowClan cats gather around in astonishment and shock as they recognize the small Dark Tabby parading into the Clan camp. Blackstar climbs into the Tall Rock and calls a Clan meeting.

"I have called this meeting because we had a former member of our clan returning to us, tonight. Darkpaw..."

A dark ginger tom rushed to the front of the crowd, eyes full of shock and happiness. Darkpaw smiles, realizing the tom was Rowanclaw.

"Darkpaw, do you agree to reunite with your ShadowClan clanmates and return to your life as a warrior?" Blackstar's asks I his deep smooth voice.
Darkpaw nods. "I do." The crowd cheers. Blackstar lifts his head to the sky

"Then, by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. From this moment forward, you will be known as Darkshade. Take care of your Clan and serve them well in your time as a warrior of ShadowClan. He says. The crowd of cats cheer her name. As the sweet smell of the pine scented breeze fills her nose once again.

Well done, my daughter. Your time shall rise... The voice murmurs in her ear.

Yes... She hisses to herself. I will make the Dark Forest proud...

Warriors Cats Fanfiction: Darkshade's Insanity Pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now