America's Ending

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You heard a knock of your door and you opened it to show...your 'brother' Alfred.

"Hey Alfie," You say with a smile and a light blush at the louder of your two 'brothers'.

Yes you had been falling for your 'brother' since about the beginning of high didn't dare tell Arthur about it knowing he didn't have much experience in the 'dating' world. So who did you go to? You went to Francis and told him everything but swearing him to secrecy beforehand.

"Hey [Nickname], ready to party?" Alfred asks using a softer version on his dubed 'Hero' smile that he used only when the two of you where alone.

"You bet I am!" You say happily.

You didn't know it but Alfred had fallen in love with you around the ending of middle school and now that the both of you have graduated high school that meant you would be going to college soon...completely different colleges at that. Alfred didn't want you to go to college not knowing how he felt about you, little did he know that's exactly how you felt.

"That's good...hey I have you graduation present with me do you want it now or later?" Alfred asks looking down at his feet.

He was planing on telling you that he loved you and that he wouldn't want anyone else, just you, then ask you out, sealing it with a kiss.

"I'd take it now if you let me give yours now too..." you reply pulling at the end of your shirt.

"Of course [Name]." Alfred responds with a smile.

"Okay, you can go first sense you wanted to in the first place." you say with a soft smile waiting for what he was going to do not knowing his plans.

"O-Okay...[Name]...ever since the end of 8th grade there was always this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when ever I was around you and I slowly began to relies what that feeling was...I don't want us to go to different colleges with out you knowing this..." Alfred says being very serious you smile a little bit as you wait for him to finish.

"[Name]...I love you with all my heart, I don't want any other girl...I only want you..." Alfred kisses you passionately on the lips then pulls away "I love you so much so please become this hero's girlfriend?" Alfred asks gives you a soft smile.

"Before I answer I want to give you your graduation gift's okay?" you ask with a smile of your own as Alfred nods.

You smile and go under your bed to grab a box that had "'Alfie'" written on it.

"The first one is in this and I tried my best to make it..." you say and open the box to revival a blue cape with the Superman symbol on it.

"[Name]...This is amazing!" Alfred says putting it on making you smile happily.

"Now time for the second one...Alfie...ever since the beginning of high school I stopped seeing you as my brother but something completely the time I didn't know what...but after talking to papa Francis about it he said what I was feeling was love and that I was seeing you as a Love interest instead of my brother. So now that we've graduated and are going to be going to different colleges I want you to know that I love you very much..." You say with a happy smile on your face "So I would love to become this hero's girlfriend!"

Alfred hugs you tightly picking you up slightly and kissing you once again on the lips, this time not pulling away. You kissed him back with everything you had and after doing that you hugged him back.

"Now lets go party!" Alfred says happily still holding you in his arms as he brings you down stairs.

You have a wonderful time at the party with your friends, family, and new boyfriend.

~Bonus Ending~

-4 years later-

You just graduated from college and you where heading back to your apartment only to be surprised by your boyfriend of 4 years, Alfred.

"Alfie?! What are you doing here?! I thought you where still at University of Duluth!" You say completely surprised.

"Well I just graduated yesterday and I knew you where graduating today so I thought I might surprise you a little bit." Alfred says wearing the cape you made him with his hands behind his back holding a velvet black box.

"I am surprised!" you say with a giggle.

"And I also wanted to do this..." Alfred gets down on one knee and holds the box out in front of you "[Name]...will you make this man the happiest hero ever and marry me?" he asks smiling softly like he did in your room before your graduation party.

"Yes! A million times yes!" you say and glomp him both of you falling to the ground, he then slips the ring on your left ring finger.

He kisses you passionately like he did when he confessed to you.

F.A.C.E. Family X Little!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now