Canada's ending

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You heard a knock of your door and you opened it to show...your 'brother' Matthew.

"Hey Mattie" You say with a soft smile happy it was the quieter of your two 'brothers', although you don't see Matthew as your brother any more but as something completely else.

Not many people noticed Matthew but you did, and now knowing that your both going to different colleges, his somewhere in college and yours somewhere in America.

"Hey [Name]..." Matthew says hugging you and smiling sadly which you notice right away.

"Mattie...what's wrong?" You ask concerned.

"I'm about to lose the best thing that came into my life...that's what's wrong..." Matthew says burring his head into the crook of your neck.

"And what is that?" you ask holding him close.

He mumbles something and you feel a few tears escape his violet eyes.

" know I don't like it when you cry..." You say and sit down on your bed with him then pull away to wipe his eyes free of tears.

"I'm sorry [Name]...its just...I love you and I don't want to lose you to some guy..." he says whispering the last part so quiet that you couldn't hear it.

"Its just what?" you ask curiously.

Matthew takes a deep breath "I love you [Name] and I don't want to lose you to some guy you meet at college then forget about me like everyone else!" Matthew says and starts to cry again holding you close to him, your face a bright red.

"I love you too Mattie! I always have so don't worry, I won't forget about you while I'm a college as long as you don't forget about me okay?" you ask with a smile knowing he wouldn't forget you.

"So does that mean you can be my girlfriend?" he asks timidly.

"Of course as long as you'll be my boyfriend." you say happily.

He nods his head then kisses you softly on the lips and brings you downstairs for the party which you had a blast at.

~Bonus Ending~

-4 years later-

You graduated from college early and moved up to Canada to be with your boyfriend Matthew, tonight is your 4 year anniversary of when the two of you started dating.

Oh where you going to make this the best day of his life, you woke up early to make him his favorite food in the whole world...Pancakes!

Once the soft sweet smell of your Maple favored pancakes reached both of yours bedroom, he woke up in an instant and literally ran to the kitchen to where you where humming a soft song while making the fluffy melt in-your-mouth clouds of goodness.

He wrapped his arms around your waist causing you to jump a little out of surprise.

"Good morning [Name]..." Matthew says nuzzling his nose into your hair causing you to giggle slightly.

"Good morning Mattie!" You say happily finishing the last pancakes.

Matthew seeing the pancakes done sits down at the table waiting happily to stake his plate with the yummy goodness.

You set the pancakes down and then go to get Matthew's maple syrup.

After you eat breakfast Matthew brings you out to the park, making sure to grab the black box he had hidden in his night stand.

Later at sun down...

"H-Hey...[Name]..." Matthew says getting down on one knee in front of you.

You cover your mouth when you see Matthew take out a black box, opening it to show a ring with a ruby in the shape of a maple leaf and you gasp a little.

"[Name]...I love you very much so would you do me the honor of having you as my wife?" He asks nervously.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes Mattie!" you say tears falling down your face as you hug him tightly.

Matthew slips the ring on your finger then bring your face in front of his wiping your [e/c] free of tears and then kisses you passionately on the lips.

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