Germany's ending

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You heard a knock of your door and you opened it to show...your friend Ludwig.

"Hey Ludwig, how are you?" You ask slightly curious on why he was now in your room but you just smiled.

"Hallo [Name], I'm good..." Ludwig says smiling slightly, you where the only one (besides Feli) he smiled around but seeing you wear the dog tags he had given you made him even more happy.

" don't sound too sure of yourself...are you sure? If there is anything bothering you, you know you can talk to me about it, right?" you ask concerned.

You wouldn't deny it you had fallen for the blonde German in the early years of Middle school but where always either too shy or worried that it would ruin your friendship with him if you told him your feelings. But little did you know he felt to exact same way with you, but now that both of you have graduated from High school he would be going to Germany for College and you would be going to Italy to become an artist with Feli.

Now here he was standing in your bedroom and his face was turning a light pink.

"Ja, I know...its just...ich liebe dich [Name]...I vanted you to know before ve go to College..." Ludwig says and looks away a bright pink blush on his face.

"Ludwig...I love you too...I just was too shy to tell you and I didn't want it to ruin our friendship..." You say with a smile, the one that he loved so much.

" too." Ludwig says then hugs you tightly and kissing you passionately, which you gladly return.

"So...does this make you my boyfriend now?" you ask after breaking the kiss.

"Ja I am, and I'm never letting you go liebe." Ludwig says with a smirk.

~Bonus Ending~

-4 years later-

You graduated a day early and asked Feli to help you go to Germany to surprise Ludwig, you where surprised to hear that all the flights and trains to Germany where full or so your Italian friend claims.(Feli...what are you up to...)

So you stayed at your house cleaning it that whole day...why? Because you didn't have anything else really to do besides daydream about your sexy hot German boyfriend.

As you where making yourself dinner, you didn't hear the front door open then a pair of arms snaked around your waist causing you to jump and let out a squeal.

"Scare you did I Liebe?" a familiar voice asks chuckling slightly.

"Ludwig!!!" you say happily, turning around in his arms and hugging him tightly.

"I see someone missed me..." Ludwig says smiling.

"Of course I have! What type of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?!" you say.

"[Name], I have somezing I vould like to ask you..."Ludwig says letting go of you then going down on one knee and holding out a black box.

You gasp and cover your mouth surprised.

"[Name][Last Name], vould you do me the honors and become my vife?" He asks opening the box to show a ring with a [F/G] on it.

"Yes!...Just yes!" you say as tears start to fall down your face and then you hug him.

He kisses you passionately and slips the ring on your finger.

A/N:[F/G] means favorite Gem. i.e. ruby, diamond, sapphire, ect.

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