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Jacob went home after eating dinner with my mother and I. But he invited me back to his apartment tomorrow afternoon.

"So, Marcel... I'm surprised to see you opening up to people," my mother whispered.

I turned over on her bed and looked at her.

"I'm surprised too..."

"How are you feeling about this whole friend thing?"

"It's...weird.... But it's nice knowing that there's someone else in my life that cares besides you," I slightly smile.

"You know your father cares, Marcey," she strokes my hair.

"Yeah," I laugh a little," but ya know its kind of hard to hear that when he's up there."

"But you know he loves you right?"

"Yeah... But sometimes I live in the past way too much,.. Sometimes I think about what would happen if they were still alive. I would've loved to hold daddy's hand on my wedding day....,"

"That would've been a beautiful wedding for a lovely couple. But your not the only one living in the past sweetheart. We should move on together," she wraps her arms around me, "lets get some rest,"

Then we drifted off to sleep.

*the next day*

I took Jacobs clothes out the dryer and folded them neatly. Then went upstairs to shower and change. I put on my dad's old crew neck, shorts, and the converse that Jacob gave me yesterday.

My mom and I jumped into her car and drove to the dealership to pick up my car. After about 30 minutes, I was on my way to Jacob's apartment.

I walked into the elevator and waited for the ding. Then I walked to his door and knocked a little.

Eventually, a familiar face opened the door... And it wasn't Jacob's.

"... Chresanto?" My eyes widened in shock.

"Marcel...," he instantly hugged me tight and I hugged back.

"What are you doing here?" My voice started to crack; I was gonna cry.

He pulled back and led me inside, "Jacob told me to come over to talk to one of his friends. If I knew that it was you I would've flew in yesterday."

Jacob walked in the living room, "Surprise!"

"Jacob, how'd you know that this was the Chresanto my mom told you about?"

"I remember him telling me about one of his friends from college committing suicide. I figured that he was the one."

"Thank you so much," I hugged him tight, then went back to the couch where Chresanto sat.

"It's been so long, Marcel," he smiled.

"Ever since the funeral," I pouted a bit.

"I've been trying to get in touch with you for awhile. I wanted to go to his grave, but I didn't want to go alone."

"I kind of secluded myself, Chres... But I think that visiting Jay is a good idea."

"Hey, uh" Jacob cut in, "Lets go get something to eat, so we can all catch up,"

Chres and I nodded our heads and followed Jacob out the door.

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