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Pov Peeta

Tonight I am going to tell Katniss that I like her. Texting Kat

Hey kat come out to the beach.

Kat texting back
I am coming😀.

I see her coming down to the beach at then cabin. She is smiling. When she gets down her I say I like u. She looks at me like 😍😘. She says I like u to. So we kiss. Katniss do you want to go to bed in your bed or mine. Your Peeta!!!  Ok so you want to tell them to day or tomorrow about us dating. Tomorrow she say. Ok I love u !!!! Luv u too she says. We go back inside Evernote is asleep. So me and her go get in bed and spend the rest of the week like this.
The next day everyone is cheering and holrning because they saw asleep in my bed. We say we
Are dating.

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