Chapter 4: "Died by a broken heart."

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Dipper and Wendy begin to search for Jack and Tyrone once again after the whole painting fiasco. "You ok, Dipper? That was a pretty bad fight."
Said Wendy who was making sure her best bud, and date was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I think it's time we van-gogh."

"Wha, wha, wha, whaaa." Mocked Wendy at Dipper's bad painting joke. The pair then walked in a deep hallway of the mansion that seemed to get darker, and darker the deeper they went. Then out of no where they heard groans of anger behind them. The teens turned around to see Heart attack Jack and Sorrow Tyrone were there in a huge fit of rage!

"You kids, shouldn't have done that!"

"You two, don't know who or what your messing with!"

Both Heart attack Jack and Sorrow Tyrone than started to get a white and blue glow around them, and began to float in the air. Both men's eyes started to glow blue as white flames came from alround thier bodies. These men weren't men at all, they were spirits! (Angry ones for that matter.) Dipper and Wendy were both staring in complete shock. Dipper's theory on what made the men faded through the wall was right! But why were the ghosts so focused on splitting Dipper and Wendy apart? What would the spirits gain from backing them up?

"Why are you doing this to us?!"
Yelled Dipper who was beginning to get afraid of the angry ghosts.

"Yeah, what will driving us apart accomplish?" Asked Wendy who was just as scared as Dipper at this point.

"You would never understood our pain, to be heart broken!" Both ghosts said in demonic voices.

"What, heart broken? What do you mean?" Asked Dipper looking straight at the ghosts.

"Well, since we will kill you anyway..."
Jack began as the two teens looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Over a 150 years ago, this mansion was the crown jewel of lovers all over Gavity Falls."

"Awhile at one of our annual balls we always threw, Tyrone and I meet two beautiful young women who join the ball without a date."

The teens listened close to the story Jack was telling about why they hated love and romance.

"And, as you would have it we fall in love with the young ladies. But after about three years pasted, two young, single men saw our girls, and took them right from under us!"

When Jack said that last sentence his eyes glowed red with anger. Tyrone continued were Jack left off at the story.

"We fell in a great depression after that day, but still threw our balls anyway. About a year later we were housing a young woman by the name of Charlotte Smith, a redhead like you Wendy."

Wendy rolled her eyes as Tyrone continued the story.

"It was the night of Charlotte's first ball in over 13 years, but as she was walking down the steps to her date she well fell down the stairs, and passed away."

Dipper and Wendy were completely shocked by this story, of how they were betrayed, how they felt like they couldn't fall in love with anyone anymore.

"After, that incident people stopped coming to our mansion, and Jack and I fall in a deeper depression from that. Eventually our bodies couldn't take the pain anymore and gave out on us. Now our spirits are trapped here, but that doesn't mean we can't keep it clean, and nice."

"Oh, that's explains why the mansion was so clean when we came here."

"From the day we died we vowed, if we can't have love, no one can!"

Dipper and Wendy hugged each other in fear of what the ghosts could do to them.

"Well, now you know the truth...."
Began Jack who was starting to form a black misty fog around himself as well as Tyrone. Before the teens knew what was happening both ghosts formed monster life bodies floating in the air in front of the teens.

"We're going to show you, just how much we mean business!" Said the spirits in a demonic voices.

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