Dark Nights

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Angie P.O.V


As I was walking men were trying to talk to me and stuff but I just ignored it and kept walking.

I heard someone walking behind me but I kept walking but with speed.

I heard the person behind me and the person say.

"Aye wait stop."

That's what made me run.

David P.O.V


Hi, My name is D. I'm a drug dealer. On the streets I'm know as Big D.

Anyways I was hanging out with some of my boys when I saw this girl. I thought she was a prostitute so I called her. She didn't awnser so I decided to walk behind her she picked up the her pace. So I started walking behind her. she started running and I ended up catching her by her wrist. I turned her around she seemed kinda scared, and she didn't look like a prostitute.

Let me go. She said trying to shake out my grip.

Are you okay? I asked her.

just leave me alone. she said.

No mam you need help bec- I started but she slapped me.

A Way AroundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang