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Angie's P.O.V


I woke up with machines Hooked up too me.

It looked liked I was in the hospital.

Then I rembered what happed and I started to cry.

Then walked in a nurse.

We found you in the middle of the street good thing is someone called the police. she Said

Is anything wrong with me? I asked

No but you are she stopped with a smirk on her face.

What! I yelled

Pregnant congratulations! she said

I sat there with a blank expression on my face.

That's when her smile faded and she walked over to me and said you have 3 Different choices you can pick from......

you can keep the baby and raise it.

You can wait till you have it and put it up for adoption.

Or even abord it.

she said and walked to the door and said I'll come back ask you a couple of questions and you can make up Your mind.

I can't just kill a life coming into this world, I can't just give it up. I'll just keep it I said with tears forming in my eyes.

That's when the doctor came in but it was another one. It was a female

she came in and greated me.

Hi I'm Dr.Janice and before I start I wanna ask your full name.

"Angie Maree Miller" I said

how old are you?


Okay we have to run a few test

"okay" I said

She told Me to lift up my shirt and put this gel on,and this little dot showed up on the streen.

She pointed and showed me that was the baby and went over instructions.

She said I was free to leave but needed someone over the age of 18 to sign me out. I asked them can I make a call and she walked out and pointed to a wall phone. I dialed my bestfriend Jayda number. The phone rung until I heard her

* Phone conversation *

Jayda: Hello

Me: Jayda this is Angie can you and your mom come and get me from the hospital?

Jayda: I'm on my way what happened?

Me: I'll tell you when you get here.

jayda: okay love you

Me: love you see you later


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