Chapter 27

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Andy's P.O.V.

"No CC, we can't give Jake another Nutella scalp wash." I said sternly as Jake glared at CC. We were on the PTV bus headed to the airport to see Wren off. I didn't want her to go. None of us did. We all loved her, especially me. I was very deeply in love with her since the moment we officially met. I thought she was a beautiful girl. She had her bright cherry red hair and her deep purple eyes. They were contacts to hide her real eyes, but I still thought her real eyes were even more beautiful. The dark black color was mesmerizing.

"Andy." CC whispered to me and pointed at Ashley and Wren. Ashley had insisted he make it up to Wren for not being there for so long, so I let him comfort her one last time. We were best friends, surely he wouldn't do anything.

I gasped at the sight I saw. Wren and Ashley were kissing passionately. I couldn't tell if Wren was kissing back, but Ashley sure as hell was. Wren immediately turned around and looked straight at me, with fresh tears in her eyes.

"A-Andy..." She said almost in a whisper.

"What the fuck Wren!?" I yelled, standing up in the process. She quickly stood up out of Ashley's arms and slowly started to back up to a corner of the bus.

"I can't believe you! I give you everything and what do you do!? Throw it all away and kiss my best friend!" I was getting pissed. Beyond pissed. The girl I loved was throwing me away for Ashley! Sure, he's a nice guy but you never know. He's a manwhore, he could cheat on her at any moment like he already has. Wren backed up into the corner all the way and slid down the wall, hugging her knees to her chest. She mumbled something to herself I couldn't hear.

"Andy! Stop it you're scaring her! You know how yelling affects her!" Kayden stood up and yelled at me. I did know how it affected her, but at this point, I really didn't give a shit. Jaime stood up quietly and went over to comfort Wren.

"No! That bitch gets what she deserves! I'm glad she fucking cuts herself that fucking whore!" All the words spilled from my mouth, all of them I didn't mean. Never in a million years. All my anger was just pouring out of me. Kayden went straight up to my face and punch me hard in my jaw. I fell to the ground in pain.

"Don't you ever fucking talk about my sister that way! She doesn't deserve you!" Kayden yelled down at me. I stood up quickly, regaining my composure and yelling in Kayden's face.

"She fucking deserves it! She deserves worse! She should be fucking dead! I wish she never found my band! Maybe she would've been dead now and never even fucking met me!" I can't believe I just said that about the love of my life. My beautiful girlfriend, now crying about what I said. My words. My words could fucking kill her.

"Fuck you Andy! You never knew how much we mean to her!" CC yelled, coming to Wren's defense.

"Andy be reasonable! She just fucking kissed him! That doesn't mean she doesn't love you or won't stop loving you!" Austin yelled, starting to gang up against me.

"No! That fucking bitch deserves everything! Don't think I'm the bad guy here!" I yelled. Something kept making me say these things I didn't mean. By this time, Wren was crying her eyes out, and I wasn't there to comfort her. I should be the one doing that.

"Andy! Stop fucking yelling! She's been scarred to much! Just stop!" Ashley yelled, standing up. "It was my fault! I kissed her! She didn't even kiss me back! She tried to pull away but I held her from doing that!" Ashley said, lowering his voice so he wasn't scaring Wren.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Yeah! She didn't want me! She doesn't want me! She only wants you!" Ashley said, guilt in his voice.

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