The Bowers

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I am interested in getting your constructive feedback. Please comment on each part. I hope to honor the show! Thank you for reading.

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For twenty-five years, the small town of Twin Peaks has been left undisturbed. Relief permeates through the peaceful atmosphere. All is back to the abnormal. But the once peaceful town of Twin Peaks is about to be revisited by an ancient evil. Bob is back to continue his dark mission to destroy lives.


A scream. Then a scraping sound as the body drags across the gravel followed by a hollow thud as the poor lifeless boy collides with the ground.

An obscure shape hides behind a boulder near the edge of the cliff. A long moment of silence passes before the shadow moves swiftly away from the scene of the crime.


Kristine and her family eat dinner at a small dining table. Kristine Bower is a fresh-faced sixteen-year-old who is usually seen wearing headphones, as she is now, blasting either the Beatles or Metallica. Today it's the Beatles' "We Can Work It Out".                                                                                           

Her mother Donna Bower is a beautiful forty-four-year-old widow whose husband, Randy, was killed in a logging accident three years before. There's a sadness in her eyes, a sense of loss.

Danny Bower is Kristine's ten-year-old brother. He hasn't spoken a word since their dad passed away. Donna thinks that giving him chocolate chip cookies will help him get through it. She puts two freshly-baked cookies on the plate in front of him and pours him a tall glass of milk. Danny presses his finger to the top of her hand, his way of communicating the words 'thank you'.

Kristine stands up from the table. "Gotta go."

Donna stands too. "Where are you going?"

"Mom, it's OK. Chad's coming to get me and we're meeting everybody at the drive-in."

"But when will you be back?"

"Before you know it. Danny's here. Watch some reality TV or something." She kisses her mom's forehead and prances toward the door.

Donna tries to sit back down but she finds herself clinging to the back of the chair as she stares after her daughter.

Kristine heads straight out the door without turning around and slams it shut.

Chad Thomas is outside waiting in his older brother's pickup. He's got one hand through his wavy black hair and the other patting the outside of the door. "I got it 'til one."

"Beautiful!" She kisses him hard on the lips and races around to the passenger door, hopping in through the open window as she squeals.


The drive-in is packed. They find Jack Walker, their buddy, and Lauren, his sister, sitting in the back of Jack's black SUV. Misty Todd, the new girl at their school, is sitting with them.

"Explain that again?" Kristine says as she pulls herself up into the bed of the truck.

Lauren frowns. "Explain what?"

Kristine nods toward Misty. "How you got your name. For the new girl."

Lauren shrugs. "I was born Cecilia Luanne Walker and had a dark patch of hair. By the time I turned five, my hair had changed to this platinum blond." She shakes her bangs out. "My eyes changed too. They used to be blue until one day when they suddenly turned a soft green. Just like Laura Palmer. So my mom decided to legally change my name to Lauren."

Misty looks confused. "But your name isn't Laura."

"Exactly." She scoops a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Misty blinks three times. She tends to do this a lot. Sometimes less, sometimes more, like she's sending out some kind of optometrical Morse code.

Kristine explains. "Her mom didn't realize that she had given her the wrong name. Lauren just thought it was a nickname at first. By the time her mom found out that it was a mistake, Lauren was twelve, so she didn't see any point in changing her name again. After all, she'd been in school that whole time and everyone knew her by Lauren."

Misty blinks once. "Who's Lauren Palmer?"

"Laura," Chad corrects.

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