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"My mom needs me." Kristine responds to her mom's text and Chad leads the way to his car.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Lauren asks as she tags behind. "What about that guy you saw?"

"Later," Chad says as he revs the engine.

By the time they arrive at Kristine's house, her mom is already outside, wringing her hands and looking worried.

Kristine runs up to her. "Mom, what is it? What's going on? Is it Danny?"

"Yes. No. I don't know."

"Mom, you're not making sense."

"I know." She  attempts to smile, but the tears in her eyes can't hide her anxiety. Her cell phone rings. "It's Audrey. Hold on. . .Hello? Yes. You have? Oh my God. I think Danny knows something too. Yes, please. Hurry!"

"What did Aunt Audrey say?"

"Come inside. Both of you. I'll explain it all when she gets here."

Minutes later, Audrey Horne-Benson arrives, her face washed in tears. Down the right side of her face are burn marks and scars from surgeries. Back when she was eighteen, in an attempt to protest the Ghostwood project from infringing on her father's business, she handcuffed herself to the funding bank's vault. When a bomb was triggered by Andrew Packard and Pete Martell as they opened a safety deposit box, Pete shielded Audrey from much of the explosion.

Audrey hugs her sister, then her niece. "Donna, I saw her, just like she once was. Beautiful, young, happy, long before she died. She came to me in a dream, but it seemed so real that I woke up screaming." Her voice is desperate.

Donna looks frightened. "Audrey, I think it's happening again. Danny started shaking." She looks behind her to the forest and her voice lowers. "Something is in there again."

"What are we going to do?" Audrey says.

"I saw something too," Kristine quietly whispers.

Donna turns around to face her. "What do you mean?"

"At the drive-in tonight. There was this dirty older man looking at me. Like he wanted me. . ."

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