Part 6

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On Tuesday, school was a little bit easier. Less people were staring and whispering things about me. When I got home from school, I realized I had a text from Kelly.

"Hope you had a good day at school. Dinner date with Harry tonight. He's picking you up at 6. It's at a fancy restaurant so Lou Teasdale will be over to get you ready at 5. Get that homework done first haha. -Kelly"

I laughed at her text when I finished reading it. She was so cheeky. Part of me was actually excited for the date with Harry. I called Drew first just to let him know about the date and to let him know that I love him. After I hung up with him, I looked at the time and realized it was already 4:30! I took a quick shower and change into a pair of soffee shorts and a tank top. Lou knocked on the door a few minutes after I changed. I opened the door to Lou Teasdale surrounded by a clothing rack, a box of makeup and a box of hair brushes, hair spray, bobby pins, clips, irons, curlers, and ponytail holders. She had a third box with shoes, jewelry, and accessories. I quickly grabbed some stuff from her and showed her where the bathroom was. First she came into my room to help me pick an outfit. She brought 3 formal dresses for me to choose from. All of them were so pretty. We immediately began trying things on. The first dress was a long black mermaid dress. It was gorgeous and had silver rhinestones under my breasts. I loved it. It would go with silver shoes and a pretty silver bracelet and a silver clutch. I told Lou that I didn't even want to try on the other dresses and that I wanted to wear this one. She agreed with me and we went into the bathroom to finish getting ready. First she dried my hair and then curled it and applied a lot of hairspray. I had side bangs last year that haven't fully grown out yet, so she clipped them back with bobby pins. Then she moved on to my makeup. She applied foundation and powder first, followed by glimmer eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, and lipgloss.

She was finishing up my lipgloss when we heard the doorbell. She ran to get the door for Harry while I put my shoes on and grabbed my clutch. I walked over to the living room where Lou and Harry were talking. As I walked in the room I noticed Harry's gaze turn towards me and his jaw dropped. Lou tapped his chin, signaling him to close his mouth. He looked embarrassed. He coughed before telling me I look stunning. I thanked him and complimented him before we went outside and got in his car. We drove for about 10 minutes before arriving at a five star restaurant. There was tons of paps waiting for us, so as we walked into the restaurant, Harry kept me close to him. When we got to our table, we made small talk until we ordered. After we placed our order, Harry brought up the topic of announcing our relationship. Obviously people had suspected our relationship, but nothing was official yet.

"So we have an interview on Friday and Kelly wants me to talk about you and announce that we are dating. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yeah it's fine." I told him.

"Okay, do you want to come? We will be touring the Massachusetts and Connecticut area at the time so it will be somewhere in that area. It's almost a four hour drive so we would probably have a jet bring you there since you have school."

"I guess ill come but I'm supposed to work Friday and I've taken so much time off to be with you already..." I said with a giggle.

"Wait you get paid 2000 dollars a week and you haven't quit your job? Where do you work?" He asked in all seriousness.

"No I actually haven't. I'm not going to have you and other people think that I'm using you for money. And I work at Hollister."

"That's cool. And why wouldn't you want to spend more time with me? You should be thankful I asked you." He said with a cheeky grin. I didn't know what to say so I giggled. As we finished our food, we both got a text from Kelly.

"How would you lovebirds feel about a sleepover at Lauren's house? -Kelly"

We both looked up at each other.

"It's a school night..." I groaned.

"Learn to live a little!" He said and laughed.

"Fine you can sleepover but you have to wake up early with me and make me breakfast."

"Deal." He said before we ordered a piece of chocolate cake to share.

When the cake came, I was guessing Harry saw some paps out the window because he got some cake on his fork and fed it to me. I did the same and we ended up eating the whole piece of cake by feeding it to each other. He paid the bill and we walked out to the car, trying to ignore all of the things and questions people were shouting at us. We got in the car and got back to my house where paps were still following us. On the walk inside, Harry pulled me close into his body and kissed the top of my head. Once we got inside, we went into the living room. I took out my phone and texted Drew. I thought he should know that Harry is sleeping over because he would find out at some point anyway.

"You try to pull any funny business tonight and your dead, okay?" I told him.

"Got it ma'am."

"I'm not old dont call me that." I said and we both laughed.

We talked and watched TV for a while but at midnight I told him I was going to change and go to bed. He nodded and said he would sleep on the couch. I didn't know what to do because my couch was really small and not too comfortable. He would probably be more comfortable on the floor and I felt bad.

"Erm, I guess you could sleep in bed with me if you want. That couch really isn't so comfortable. I don't mind." I told him.

"Um okay I guess ill come."

We both went upstairs. I went in the bathroom to change into pajamas, brush my teeth, wash my face, and take off my makeup. When I went back into my room, Harry was laying in my bed in his boxers with no shirt on. I rolled my eyes and climbed into bed next to him.

"Goodnight Lauren."

"Goodnight Harry." I replied.

When my alarm clock went off the next morning, Harry's arms were around me and my face was leaning on his bare chest. He woke up and untangled his arms from my waist.

"Good morning Harry."

"Morning Lauren."

I got out of bed and took a shower before changing, doing my hair and doing my makeup. I walked to the kitchen to find Harry, still in his boxers and shirtless, placing two plates of eggs, bacon, and pancakes ok the table. I sat down to join him as we ate breakfast. It actually tasted awesome.

"Wow Harry this tastes amazing. You can cook for me anytime you want." I told him.

"Don't get to used to it babe." He said laughing.

Did Harry just call me babe?

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