Part 14

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The next morning I woke up after Harry rolled over in bed and elbowed my chest. I guess it woke him up too because he was awake shortly too.

"Sorry gorgeous." He mumbled.

"It's fine." I said and giggled.

He leaned over and tried to kiss me but I turned my head, making him kiss my cheek.

"Aw what was that for?" He said and pouted.

"Morning breath is gross." I told him.

"True. We can both go wash up and meet downstairs?" He suggested

"Sure." Since he had a bathroom in his room, the other bathroom upstairs had all my stuff in it. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed through my hair to make it more calm before changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. I didn't realize it when I first woke up but I was still in my bra and underwear.

I went downstairs and Harry was in the kitchen.

"Hey handsome why don't you let me make breakfast? I'll surprise you with something." I said as I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Okay sure. By the way I never got my kiss before." He said and grinned.

"Oh you want a kiss do you?" I said and pecked his lips quickly.

"There's your kiss now let me start cooking." I added and laughed.

"Haha very funny. I had to wait so I was expecting better than that."

"Well then let me see what I can do for you Mr. Styles."

I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer to me. I turned both of us around so my back was against the wall. I kissed him passionately at first before adding tongues. His hands were around my butt and mine were tangled in his hair. We were making out for a good ten minutes.

"How was that?" I said and winked.

He looked mind blown and puzzled. Then he went to go watch TV while I made us breakfast.


That night Harry wanted to take me to a club since it was legal for us to drink in the UK and not in the US. I wore a tight black dress that went a little higher than my mid thigh. I wore my hair down with my usual amount of makeup, but I also wore red lipstick to make my lips pop. I was really excited to go to the club because I only went to one once.

When we got there, we immediately hit the dance floor. We danced for a while before going over to the bar to get some drinks. After 3 beers we went back onto the dance floor. I grabbed Harry's hands and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I started grinding on him and rubbing against him. He let out a few moans. From behind he was kissing my neck and leaving hickeys.

We were part of the VIP area, so we left the dance floor and walked over to the VIP lounge area which was empty except for the bartender. We sat on the couch and had a few more drinks. I could tell I was getting very drunk because I couldn't talk or see straight. I rearranged myself so I was sitting on Harry's lap, straddling his waist. I kissed him and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. I stuck my hands in his shirt and ran my fingers over his torso. He caressed my boobs through my dress. I kissed him deeper and harder. Basically that was all I remember from that night. After that everything was a blur.

The next morning when I woke up, I had a pounding headache. I looked over at Harry and quickly realized that he had bruises and scratches on his face and his arms. He was a heavy sleeper so I moved the blankets and looked at his back. There were scratches on it. I couldn't see his stomach because he was laying on it but his lip was swollen and he looked horrible. I examined my body and found no scratches or bruises so I assumed we weren't in a car accident. How could Harry have gotten so hurt? I didn't want to wake him up because e looked like he needed his sleep, so I rolled over and went back to sleep too.

I woke up again when I felt Harry moving in the bed. He was tossing and turning a lot so I rolled over to look at him. He must have been watching me sleep for a while because when I rolled over he was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Good morning beautiful." He said before planting a kiss on the top of my head.

"Good morning Harry. What happened last night? How did you get all beat up?"

"Oh I just fell its fine. Don't worry."

"Harry I'm not stupid you couldn't have gotten all of these scratches and bruises from falling. Please tell me."

"No really I'm fine I don't want you to worry about it."

"If you tell me what really happened I can make you feel better." I said as I played with his hair.

"Fine. I'll tell you. We were both really drunk at the club and there was a guy who I noticed eyeing you the whole night. I tried to keep you as close to me the whole night because if he got close you and I wasn't there who knows what he would do. So at some point I guess I went to get us something to drink or we got separated somehow. Anyway, I couldn't find you and I was looking everywhere for you. Then I saw your dress in a corner near the dance floor. I finally found the guy and you were with him. I don't even want to tell you what you were doing with him. But basically, I told him to get away from you and then he threw some punches at me and I fought back. It turned into a huge fight and a cop had to come break it up." He told me and I gasped.

"Harry I'm so sorry I was drunk so I had no idea what I was doing and I really didn't mean to start this whole thing. I didn't want you to get hurt! I feel horrible."

"No baby don't worry. I was protecting you."

"Thank you so much. Well ill take care of you today and make you feel better okay?"

"Okay that'll be fun." He smiled.

"So lets get you cleaned up." I said and I got out of bed. He winced as he rolled out of bed.

"I'm just kind of sore from it. I have aches everywhere." He said before I walked over to him and held his hand as we went into the bathroom.

He sat on the toilet and I started to wash all of his scratches with soap and water. There were scratches on his legs and one of his knees were bruised. His stomach and cuts on scratches all over it. He had a few on his shoulder and face. His lip was swollen and had a cut on it. Thank god he didn't have a black eye. His back was pretty scratched up too. I wrapped the worse ones in bandages. When all the cuts were clean and washed up, we went back into the bedroom. He laid down in bed and I sat next to him.

"Want me to kiss it? It will feel better I promise." I said and giggled.

"Yes please." He said and grinned.

I started by kissing the scratches on his legs and worked up to the ones on his stomach and back. Then I kissed the ones on his shoulders and face.

"How do they feel?" I asked

"Better thank you. But what about my swollen lip?" He said and smirked.

"It won't hurt if I kiss it?"

"I don't know but I'm a big boy I can take the pain." He said and laughed.

I leaned in and kissed him gently but with emotions. I felt him smile in the kiss. I pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"So are we like a real thing now?" I asked him.

"If you want to be." He said with a wink.

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