Chapter One ~ The Move

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AN: I'm going to make this as brief as possible. This is going to be unlike most stories. Everything will be done and thought of as it goes along. When each chapter is published I will re-read each chapter so I know how to continue and I will also look to the comments for possible suggestions. Anyways, here it goes!

Harper's Pov

I so did not want to be in this minivan right about now. Everything was perfect before today, the day we leave our lives behind in South Carolina and moved up north to North Carolina. Now I know it isn't that far of a move but going from living only an hour from Georgia to living an hour from South Carolina is quite a distance.

Now don't think of me as a spoiled brat. I was always for the move. Even if it meant leaving behind my best friends. Sure I will miss them dearly but we have skype and kik so it should be fine. If not, then oh well. I guess we all weren't really best friends.

So you may be wondering why we're moving, it's a simple question with an even simpler answer. Job Opportunities. Mom had said we needed to move to a better community around the end of 2019 and I was all for it. I mean, who wants to work at Cracker Barrel their whole life, right? Thought so.

You see, mom worked as a pastry chef in our town but business slowed down and we were staring to fall into a bit of debt. So I got a job at Cracker Barrel to help with expenses. As for Alexia, she just found ways to make money. Of course it was never through illegal methods. Mom would rather us live on the streets before resorting to petty larceny or prostitution. Mom hopes that by moving to Charlotte, North Carolina we will be in a better situation. I just hope she's right.

All that I can hope for is that living in Charlotte offers us all a better life. Maybe we can all become a closer family. But I doubt it. Without dad, where ever that dead beat is, we can't really be a happy family. But we are going to try. Better to try than to have never tried at all right?

Alexia's Pov

I'm excited for the move! Though being stuck in this minivan is a pain in my rump. Yes, I said rump, sue me for being polite. Our old town was just a crap hole full of druggies and prostitutes. I don't know why we stayed there for nineteen years. But oh well, we're finally getting out and I am so happy!

Mom told us that we would be moving to a city by the name of Charlotte located in North Carolina, our sister state and soon to be home state. I really hope this time things work out for us. I can't lie, times have really been hard on us. Ever since dad left it's just been me, mom, and Harper. Mom used to work as a pastry chef out of the house but it started becoming a hindrance to the family financially. I for one think that she should keep perusing her dream but she said she was offered a good paying desk job in Charlotte. So one can only really hope for the best out of this.

Now, like most teen-adults, I did have friends and a job. But they weren't really true friends. They were more than less the people I just associated myself with. As for a job, if you can even call it a job, I would just pick up cans and trash around the local parks and on the streets. The street and park owners would pay me a cheaper price than what they say they would have to pay for an actual trained person to do the job. Something to do with toxic waste and what not. But I've been okay the entire time I did it.

My only worry about moving to this new town is how big it is supposed to be! I mean, Charlotte is one of the biggest cities in North Carolina. Sure it's bordered by smaller cities and counties but it is supposed to be one of the best cities in the state. Well, compared to what is around it that is. I just hope that Harper enjoys it. I don't see him all that often so I don't know what he likes. But I do know one thing, he needs someone in his life that he can trust. Hopefully he can find that person here.

Silvia's Pov

I hope the kids will be okay... The last thing I want to do is upset them and from what I can tell from the looks on their faces, they're already annoyed. I mean, who wouldn't be? Even I'm annoyed. We've been stuck riding in this minivan for a good six or seven hours. I'll just be glad when we get to our new home the company provided for us. They said that my job would be a permanent job if I accepted it when I did. Promised me that we would have what we needed to survive. A House, Clothing, Food, and Jobs. A job for me, my son Harper, and my daughter Alexia. I don't know why they wanted me though. I've never helped anyone run a company before.

The kids don't know what the job is yet. I want to surprise them after we get there. I know how hard they've both worked to help us survive and they deserve this. A chance at a better life. I would be a horrible mother to have not taken the offer. An offer to provide for my kids, things they've barely had.

Ever since Robert left, their father that is, times have been though. Working out of our home as a Pastry Chef is harder than it does sound. You have to account for equipment, supplies, and transportation. But thankfully this job is miles away from what I was. Even with it one of the few degrees I've obtained from college, I'd give anything for my kids. I just hope they know that.

Okay guys that is the first chapter done! It's more or less a filler chapter but things will get better. Their mom will be gone to work a lot. So it will be a lot of Harper and Alexia for the first few chapters. I know the story is titled Just Another Gay Boy but I feel like Alexia should have some time in the spot life. From what I can foreshadow, Alexia will end up playing a big part in Harper's life. Anyways, the next chapter will be up soon! Oh and please excuse the shortness of each chapter. I've never been the best at writing filler for chapters so if there end up being a billion parts, just know they're short.

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