Chapter Two ~ Welcome to Charlotte

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AN: This is going to be a Harper chapter today. Sorry but we'll get a Alexia and Silvia chapter soon. I just feel we should see how our protagonist likes his new home first. Also expect these in every chapter <.< Byeee<3

Harper's  Pov

I don't know when I decided to fall asleep, but all I know is that when I awoke we were here. Well, not here as in at our new house. Here as in passing a big ass sign that says "Welcome to Charlotte, North Carolina!" They sure now how to make a welcoming for people.

A few hours later

Oh my god this house. I cant put a word to it. Even if I tried it's just impossible. I never realized that suburban homes could be this...this magnificent! We've defiantly had a step up from our old house. A decent sized front yard, fenced in back yard, two garage doors, and from the look of it, the house is two floors! 

Let me tell you now, I have a profound love of stairs. I have no clue why, just that I've always liked them. Maybe it has to do with something about being taller than the people in my family seeing how I'm the smallest. Even compared to my mother who's 5'6! How Alexia got to be 5"11 is beyond both me and my mother. I guess it would have to be our deadbeat dad's genes.

I looked over at mom and she had the most genuine smile on her lips. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy in all the years I've been alive. But to be fair, I believe she knew more about where we were going and what our house would be like than what she told. All she said the me and Alexia was, 

"We're going to be living in the suburbs. I know it's a huge change compared to where we are now. But I would like to hope you two will be happy there. If you're not, then just let me know. You kids are all I have left and making you happy is my main job."

Mom does a lot for us. I don't know if we tell her it enough, though we do tell her it quite often. 

So back to the house. We've spent maybe five minutes gawking at the beauty of it when a tap on the window shakes us from our thoughts. A lady with lovely red hair is motioning with her hands for us to roll the window down. I'm going to assume she's our neighbor since it would only make since right?

Mom rolls the window down and the lady smiles and greets herself. "Hi, you must be the Blaine family! My name is Susan Puckett and it looks like you bought the old Johnson house!" 

So that's her name? I pegged her as more of a Lilly or maybe a Penny. But Susan...I kind of like that. 

"So do you guys need any help getting situated in our little community of PineOak? If so just give me a holler because I'll be right next door. Don't ever be a stranger because as far as I'm concerned we're already best friends!"

Now knowing my mom, she's always been the friendly type and would never be rude to someone. Even if they were rude to her! So I'm sure you can take a guess at who's going to be giving us a tour and a run down of things here. 

"Why thank you Susan, it's nice to meet you! I was actually wondering if you could give me and my two kids a rundown of how things run here? We're moving from South Carolina and we really only know so much haha. Oh, and before I do forget, these are my two children. The adorable munchkin with the purple hair is my son Harper and the tall, dark haired, and beautiful young adult is my daughter Alexia. Kids, don't be rude and say hi to Mrs.Puckett." Of course it's my mom who think's we're being rude when she's the one doing all of the talking for us.

"Hi Mrs.Puckett" both me and my sister say awkwardly. 

All she does is beam at is and leave us with this, "When you guys finish unpacking just come and find me next door. I'll be inside finishing up some cleaning. Bye!"

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