Chapter Four ~ The Job

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AN: Okay so I know I just left the story with the jeeper creeper coming on to our protagonist but I want to put in some comic relief. Not really comical but this chapter will have a couple of good laughs. This chapter will be all Silvia's pov. So without further delay, I shut my mouth.

Siliva's Pov

*Beep beep beep beep beep be-*

I fumble my hand around to the side looking for the alarm clock.

*eep beep beep beep beep bee-*

Ugh where is it?

*p beep beep beep beep b-* the alarm clock shuts off.

Thank god I finally found it. Sitting up in my bed, I look around the dimly lit room. It's not the brightest right now. Granted that it's a good hour before the sun should rise and when she should officially be waking up. But upon request, her boss wants her in the office early this morning. 

*yawning*"Alright Silv, time to get up. You need to shower, get dressed, leave Alexia some grocery money and make sure to ask her to buy groceries." She says to herself. Getting up I walk over to the mirror on the wall. God, I must have slept well. It looks like a bird tried to nest in my hair.

With a sigh she walks into the attached bathroom to her room and turns the light on. She knew it would be bright but she didn't expect to almost be blinded. "Ughh. Mental note, get dimmer bulbs." mumbling to herself and turns off the sink light, leaving the main lights on. 

Stripping from her pajamas she turns the faucet for the shower on. Adjusting it so that it's still warm but cold enough to wake her up. 

After her quick shower she towel dries her hair until it's as dry as she's going to get it. She then plugins in her hairdryer to finish the job.

"I'll just come back after I have some clothes on to finish my hair and makeup." she says walking out of her bathroom in the nude. It's my bathroom and bedroom so it's not like I'm going to get caught. 

Walking over to the dresser she pulls out some fresh underwear and a bra. Because she's wearing a semi-formal suit today she opts out of a black bra and settles for one that's a mix of white and beige. Once she has her areas covered she sighs in contempt.

"Now to go put on the monkey suit Mr.Davidson requested I wear as his new secretary. Whoopee." She says with a monotone voice. Silvia has always hated dressing formal. Even at her wedding she didn't want to dress in a big poofy white dress. So you know what she did? She wore a white mini-dress. 

Shaking her head from the memory of her wedding day, she walks to the closet and pulls out the suit. It's just a simple black skirt with a white dress shirt and red jacket. It kind of resembles your standard real estate outfit. It's not the most comfortable outfit but it suits her. 

Walking back into the bathroom she plugins in her flat iron. 

Can't go to work with a mountain of frizz now can I? Can I? Nah, Mr.Davidson probably wouldn't approve of such attire. 

While the flat iron heats up she pulls out her make-up box. Sure, go ahead, laugh. I need a lot of makeup for various occasions. Weddings, funerals, parties, clubs, shopping, and work. My work makeup is the lesser of them all. 

After about ten or so minutes of applying makeup she starts straightening her hair. That takes a good twenty minutes because of the thickness of her hair alone. 

Taking a moment to absorb her appearance in the mirror she smiles. But then the smile quickly fades. God I need to brush my teeth. That pizza left a small stain on my pearly whites! Grabbing her toothbrush and wetting it with water, she puts her cinnamon crest toothpaste on the end and starts brushing. 

After a grueling two minutes, she's finally ready. Grabbing her purse she walks into the kitchen and quickly finds a pin and pad before she ends up leaving late. 

*Hey Alexia it's mom, I'm not going to be home until late and I'm leaving pretty early so you won't see me until about five or six in the afternoon. I'm leaving you a good amount of money to go grocery shopping with. It should last us a few days if you buy like I've always taught you to buy. I get a day off tomorrow since it's Sunday so we'll go together tomorrow to get anything that you may end up forgetting. Oh and before you leave, make sure you check on Harper and make sure the check up on him later. He's to have no guests over unless it's Susan. She's the only one outside of our trio allowed in. After we meet the neighbors then he can start having guests over. But as long as you approve of the person it's okay. Anyways I've spent way too much time writing. I love you sweetie!


P.S. Tell Harper I said to cook dinner tonight when you get home!"

I read over the note to make sure I covered everything and drop a few hundreds on the table for Alexia. She knows what to buy so when I get home Harper should have dinner ready for us. I love my little boy so much! He's going to make a good chef one day if he had the passion for it. 

Grabbing the keys for the minivan, Mental Note number Two: Get rid of this damn minivan, she leaves out the door. 

AN: Okay so this is a short chapter. Honestly Silvia isn't that important of a character so this is all you get for now. She might get a spotlight chapter in a few more chapters. So with that, I guess another wrap. Be on the look out for an Alexia chapter. Her's will be longer than this because she has a bigger role than her mother. Anyways, that's chapter four done!

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