Chapter 8

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Thanks to all who voted! I love all you guys!!!

Your Pov

The next few days passed without incident, other than Alex and LJ got into a fist fight.

One morning i woke up feeling ill... i thought it was simply a stomach flu or something.

I vomited for three mornings before i decided to talk to Alex.

In the basement she laid me on a metal table with a white sheet over it, "i know it isn't the most comfortable thing but it's all i got," she said.

I just smiled and nodded.

She touched my stomach gently and closed her eyes. Her face showed confusion. She smiled and removed her hand.

"Good news?" I asked hopefully.

She nodded, "you're pregnant," she said.

My eyes widened as i touched my stomach.

She smiled, "since the babies are Slenders they will grow at a faster rate, hence the morning sickness..."


"Mhm, twins, one boy and one girl."

I smiled and placed a hand on my stomach. "Amazing," i say.

She smiles and helps me off the table. "You're welcome,  have fun!"

I smile and wave to her and walk to the room i shared with Slender.

He kisses my head softly, "what did she say?"

"We're going to be parents," i say happily.

He stood still for a moment before hugging me tightly, "i love you. So much!" He says as he smiles.

I then told him what else she told me. He seemed really excited.

A month or so later i was feeling the babies kicks and i had a medium sized bump. Alex said i would have the kids in the next month or so.

Slender and i had painted the nursery for the kids, a deep pink for her side and navy blue for his. Both cribs were a black painted wood with a mobile on them. A black and silver dresser/changing table stood in the middle.

Slender and I decided on names for them. Samantha for our daughter and Spencer for our boy. We painted there names in red cursive over their beds.

I smiled at the cribs and nursery, "it's beautiful," i say as i rest my hand on my swollen stomach. I can't think of a time when I've ever been happier. 

I felt tears rolling down my face as i smile.

Slender looked slightly worried and hugged me gently.

I hugged him back snd burries my head in his shoulder. "Ich liebe dich*1, Ti Amo*2, Je Taime*3, Jeg eskler dig*4, i love you," i said as i smiled.

He chuckles and hugs me, "i love you too," he says softly.

The next few weeks were hard on all of us... i got mood swings, i was in pain, and overall hated my existence. Slender was stressed with the others and me nagging at him did not help situations at all.

When the time for the kids to be born, i was in so much pain it wasn't even funny. I wanted to just crawl in a hole and die....

I passed out halfway through the birth.

When i awoke i had a nasty scar on my stomach. Ej told me they had to perform a c-section on me.

The thought scared me a bit but when i saw my kids, my son and daughter, i couldn't have been happier!

Samantha had jet black hair and (e/c) eyes. I smiled at my little girl. She cooked at me and waved her arms slightly.

Spencer had (h/c) and red eyes. He seemed more like his dad, calm and collected.

I held Samantha and Slender held Spencer. Spencer never once fussed, only whimpered and grunted when he needed something. Samantha cried, but not loudly.

I smiled at our children as they slept peacefully. "Our Beautiful Kids," i say as i drift off as well.

((Good lord this chapter sucked. But i have a littk e bit if bad news, only one chapter left!))


1. Ich liebe dich means I love you in German.
2. Ti Amo means I love yoy in Italian/Spanish
3. Je Taime means I love you in French
4. Jeg eskler dig means  I love you in Swedish.

Translations may be wrong

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