I Thought I Was Alone (Slenderman X Reader)

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(Hello there, My name is Migoto, Don't let the Slenderman name fool you. Anyway. I write many X reader inserts. Mostly one-shots. But this is a story i have been working on for a while. I hope you enjoy it and if you want me to write a oneshot for you read my bio for more info. This story is told in the readers, the narrator, my own Oc's and Slenderman's POV.))

Things you need to know:
(y/n) = Your Name
(f/c) = Fav. Color

(H/c) = hair color

(h/l) Hair Length

That's it for now!

Chapter 1: The Game
Narrators POV

You were just thirteen years old when your "friends" dared you to walk in the supposedly haunted forest. You shook profusely as you walked. Part from cold and part from fear. You felt the sense of being watched as you walked through the thick and dark forest. You found a note hanging from an old silo. You believed it was your friends trying to scare you. You left the note be and walked deeper into the forest. You walked to what appeared to be a bathroom. You sat on the ground and clutched you thin jacket closer. You shivered once more before falling asleep. You felt the presence of someone behind you as you drifted off. Unable to fight your tiredness, you passed out. The tall figure behind you sighed and lifted you up with his long, thin arms. He had no features to speak of, other than his plain white head and long appendages. He turned and looked at the young, white haired girl behind him. She had on a long white dress, bits of red spotting it here and there. Her face was as pale as the moonlight, her floor length hair was like ribbons of white blowing in the wind. She smiled at the tall figure and nodded. She ran off into the forest. Loud screams echoed through out the forest. The tall man would have smiled if he could have. he carried you back to your home at the edge of the forest. He laid you on your bed and left. When you woke up you jumped out of your bed and looked around. You wondered how you ended up there. You looked out side of your window and shuddered at the sight. The white haired girl was laughing and holding a bloodied sword. The people you used to call your friends were now piles of blood, flesh and bone. You fainted shortly after. Your mother woke you up and you tried to explain what you saw to her. But she looked at you confused and told you that you were only dreaming. You shook your head and took her word for it before curling up under your sheets and falling asleep. For some reason... You kept seeing a tall, faceless man in your dreams.

Chapter 2: A few years after...
Narrators POV

That all happened a few years ago. You are now sixteen years old and are living with your mother. She wasn't hateful to you, she really seemed to care about you. Until one day... She up and left. Her last words to you were: "I can't take it any more. They're driving me crazy!" You found out a few days later that she had killed herself. You were now in an orphanage with younger children. One day a beautiful woman with long white hair walked in. She was smiling. The woman who owned the orphanage smiled and handed her some paper work, the white haired woman began to fill it out. The orphanage owner, Ms. Jessie as she was called, let the white haired woman walk into the yard where the children played. She kept looking into the forest. She smiled and walked over to you...

Your POV.

I shuddered as the white haired woman walked over to me. I knew her. She was the one from my nightmares. She smiled sweetly and her red eyes seemed to glow kindly as she held her pale had out to me."Hello," she said sweetly, "My name is Migoto. May i ask your name?" She said, her smile never leaving her face. I shivered and stuttered, "M-my n-name is (y/n)" I said looking at her fearfully. She only smiled, tilting her head sideways. "What a lovely name. I've been looking for a daughter, and i think you are perfect (y/n)" she said smiling. She held her hand out to me again once more. I shuddered and held onto her hand. Her smile seemed to grow. Ms. Jessie smiled and handed Migoto some more paperwork. They both smiled and Migoto took my hand and led me outside. I wanted to scream and run away, but for some reason I felt safe with her. Me head was screaming at me to run, but my heart was telling me to stay. So i did as my heart said and followed her deep into the forest. I shivered as a strong wind blew, almost knocking me down. But Migoto didn't seem affected by it, In fact, she smiled and closed her eyes as the wind blew her long white hair everywhere. She seemed to get younger the deeper we got into the forest. Soon she seemed almost my age when before she seemed about thirty. You watched her as you walked to a large mansion. It was beautiful. It was a Victorian mansion.
((This is the mansion. Its difficult to describe http://www.bing.com/images/searchbyimage/?q=Abandoned+Victorian+Mansions+In+forests&cbir=sbi&FORM=IRSBID&sid=7740F0A663448C7FDFBD9067660802695A5AC61D&simid=608029908814204400))
I was in awe as I looked at the house. The inside was just as beautiful. The only thing that was odd... There was spots of dried and fresh blood on the floor. I shuddered as I wondered who all lived here. Migoto smiled at me and led me to a black door. "I apologize for this, but as it is we have no more rooms avalable here, so you get the pleasure of sharing with a dear friend of mine. He's never really home anyway so don't worry. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Slender Mansion." She said as she vanished.

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