-34- Getting Kaylin back to Sleep

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*Alyssa's POV*
I finally put Kaylin down to go to sleep at 8:00. I hope he sleeps until at least 6 tomorrow morning. I decide to go to sleep as well because Madison is going with me to pick out wedding dresses and plan the wedding... She really is the sister I never had.

"Hey Taylor I'm going to bed"
"Okay I'll get in the bed when I get out of the shower babe" he says
"K" I simply say back

I pull the covers back and get in. And as my head touches the pillow I instantly fall asleep
I'm woke up by Kaylin crying. I was about to get up but Taylor tells me he will take care of him

"Go back to sleep baby, I'll get him" he said sleepy

That right there is one of the many reasons I love that guy

*Taylor's POV*
"Hey little guy" I say to Kaylin
I pick him up and notice he needs a clean diaper. Woo that stinks
"Here lets put you on a clean diaper" I say
I change his diaper and then I wash my hands and make him a bottle. I sit in the rocker in his room and rock him while feeding him the bottle.

"I love you so much Kaylin" I whisper to him
When he was halfway through the bottle his eyes were getting heavy and so was mine. He eventually went to sleep and I carefully laid him back down trying not to wake him. I went back in the bed with Alyssa and go right back to sleep

Taylor Caniff's little sister (Hayes Grier)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang