first date part 1

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Aph pov
I woke up this morning at aaron's home. "Good morning sleepy head " aaron said. "Good morning cutie" I said. Then aaron kissed me. I kissed back right away. Then it turned making out. Then lurance came into aaron's room.
Conversation start
L:stop kissing my girl
Aa:no she isn't your girl she's my girlfriend
A:me and Aaron are dating
L:mark my words I'll get you aaron
Aa:ha I'd like to see u try
L:oh really just wait and see aph will
be mine
A:no I won't lurance
Aa:aph let go on a date to forget all this
A:sounds good
Conversation over
I left aaron's and went to my home. I picked out a lovely pink and purple dress. Then 8 herd a knock on the door. I answered it and it was aaron. "Ready" he said. "Yes" I answer. When we arrived at the place me and Aaron saw they were doing karaoke. I singed up for me to sing my favorite song. Aaron singed up for us to do a dute. Then my name was called and the beat to my favorite song played.
The song was hanging tree.
**song ends**
After I was done lurance and garroth walked in. "Oh no I said to aaron.

Cliffhanger m wah hahahahahahahahahahahhaha
What happens next. Find out in the next chapter. Bye my aarmau shipers

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