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A tall dark figure, approached the black door of Malfoy Manor. His long, bony figures gripped the silver snake door handle, with one hand, while he other gripped a baby wrapped in black cloth. The figure heard footsteps getting louder and louder, then the door opened to reveal a man with long blonde hair. "Come in. Nacrissia is getting Draco in bed. Come and have some tea. Or coffee. Whatever you prefer."
The man shook his head vigorously. "No thank you Lucius. I just came by to drop off Faye. I trust you got my owl?"
Lucius reached out for the small, sleeping child, and the man loosened his grasp on her. "Have you modified her memories yet?"
"No. I had a change of heart. I don't want to hurt family. I hope you will tell her of my victory if I.... Never mind. I best be off. Take care of Faye. Please, Lucius. Thank you." And with that, he was gone in a puff of smoke. Leaving Lucius, and a crying baby standing in the open doorway.

A/n: hey everyone, if your reading this then you like Harry Potter fan fictions, just as much as I do. If you find that some parts of this story doesn't make sense, or isn't right in the book or movie then feel free to comment on the side. (Just don't be rude about it.) I don't post too many author notes, but I do if it's necessary. I try to post often just depends if I have internet at home. (Sometimes mum turns the WiFi off. Idk.) So anyway, I'm off, and I hope you enjoy book!!

P.s I write my books with the app on my phone, so soz if there's spelling mistakes.

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