chapter one

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I hate Draco. He picks on me and calls me names. Even though I am a Malfoy, Draco still seems to break me. It all started when I made friends with Harry Potter. The boy who lived. The one with the lighting bolt scar. Yep, that one. I made friends with him when he saw Blaise push me over and laugh. He was the one to take me to see madam Pomfrey, so she can fix my bruises. That's when I first gathered feelings for him. I will never tell that to anyone though. I can't. Why? I'm a Malfoy. That's why...

Hoot, hoot, hoooot!!!! The whistle of the train startled me. I was already in the carriage, so I didn't need to worry. But Harry, Ron and Hermione... Well... They might. I looked out my window on the left, and saw all the Wesley's plus Harry and Hermione run up to the train just as it was about to leave. I shook my head in laughter.

A few minutes passed when Harry opened the door, and steeped inside, followed by Hermione and Ron. I stood up, offered Harry a hug, which he gladly accepted. If I could be honest, hugging him made me feel all tingly inside. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he smiled, when we touched. When he looked at me... "Hello Faye. Did you go to the Quidditch Cup? I didn't see you?"

"No. Father wouldn't let me."

"I saw Draco though." It was Ron who spoke up.

"I know father said that Quidditch isn't very lady like, so I stayed home with mother and practised spells."

"But there's many famous female Quidditch players! Like-"

"Okay, stop right now Hermione. Keep your facts to yourself."

Hermione closed her mouth when she saw Draco walk up to us.

"Hanging out with your friends Faye?"

"What is it to you Malfoy?" I stood up ready to put him out of the carriage. "You do know that you are a Malfoy to, right?"

"Just go away Malfoy." Ron stood up beside me, as well as Harry and then Hermione.
"Your such a baby. Needing your friends to fight your fights. You should be sitting with the Slytherin kids. We'll toughen you up a bit." Pansy spoke up 

"Pansy, stop it. She's not worth it. And neither are her gryffindor friends." They went away, with smug looks on their faces. I kept it together but when they left, that's when I broke down. I heard harry say that it was okay, but I knew that it wasn't. This was going to be one terrible year for me. But little did I know, that it was going to get so much worse.

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