Chapter 32: Running

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Aria's Pov:
I have to say that staying here is pretty nice. My mom made breakfast for Charlie already and got him dressed. All I had to do was get up and get myself ready for the day.

Today we decided to start looking at schools for him down here in rosewood. My mom offered to take care of him until my aunt and uncle can come and take custody. I'll miss him but I need to get through just one more year and get my degree. We haven't told him yet but I'm sure he won't mind.

"You have your stuff?" I asked the little boy standing beneath me.

"Yeah. There's no point in looking at schools if we're leaving in a couple weeks to go back." Charlie remarked.

"Uh well, what if there's a fantastic one Char! With friends that you fit in with!" I tried to excite him. He stared at my with a blank face. Charlie got in the car and waited for us.

My mom offered to drive. We got up to a school called stoner elementary, it looked newer. I looked in the back seat of the car.

"What do you think?" I asked seeing Charlie playing on his iPod. I yanked the device away.

"What?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I asked again.

"Can we go inside?" Char asked.

"Of course." My mom replied.

Charlie's Pov:
I'm not stupid. Aria is trying to get rid of me. I don't know what I did but it's fine. My parents got rid of me. Same thing.

We walked into the school. Wow this is big. Some kid waved at me, he looked my age. Aria and Aunt Ella were talking forever. This is so boring, I should have stayed home.

Aria's Pov:
"It will be hard for the kid to adjust." The principle said. I looked out side of the room to see Charlie looking at the floor slumped in a chair.

"Look he just needs some friends and he will do great in academics!" I replied looking back at her.

"He's a great kid but what are your recommendations?" My mom asked.

"I recommend he comes here or this school." The principle handed us a paper with the writing of hardvard private school for boys.

"I don't think that's the better choice." I said looking at the paper. I looked behind me and Charlie was gone.

"Where did Charlie go?" I asked my mother.

"I don't know." She replied.

"I'll go look for him. He's probably wondering around the school." I offered. "You stay here and finish paper work."

Charlie's Pov:
Their not even paying attention to me. See. This is stupid, I'm leaving. I got up and walked through the doors.

Aria's Pov:
I ran down all the halls trying to find him.

He loves sports! I thought to myself. I ran down the gym. A class of twenty was in there. No Charlie. I ran back to the office.

"Hey mom I'm going to go out to the playground, I'll be back." I said grabbing my purse and my keys.

Charlie's Pov:
I started running down a sidewalk. This is stupid. Aria told me that's a bad word but I can say it in my head can't I? I guess I wasn't paying attention when I ran into a man.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"You okay?!" The man bent down to my size looking concerned.

"No you just ran into me." I replied.

"Well I'm sorry little man." He smiled. "Where did you come from? Your mom must be looking for you."

"My mom is dead." I said. The man's eyes got big.

"Jeez I'm sorry. Who were you with before this?" He asked.

"Your a stranger." I said.

"I'll introduce myself little man." He said with a smile. "I'm Ezra. Ezra Fitz."


Ohhhh! Cliffhanger because I love to write those! Haha.

PLL night tonight and we have some Ezria Scenes guys!

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See y'all next week! :)

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