Sehun: ~Confusion~

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Sehun's POV:

I felt a slight tickle on my forehead, and then a warm air being blown onto my face.

I tried to open my eyes, still drowsy and encrusted from sleep.

The bright light of early morning shone through the hotel window, the blinds shifting open slightly.

"Rise and shine, Sehuna."

I heard Luhan's voice, emerging me from my deep slumber.

I struggled to sit up, opening my eyes fully.
As soon as I did, a wave of pain shocked through my body, and memories slowly flooded back to me.
I cupped my hands together and placed my head in them, rubbing my eyes slowly.

"Jogeumdo..." I muttered, my vision slowly returning.

I saw Luhan, sitting in the dark brown hotel room chair across from my bed.

He half smiled, which seemed oddly forced, gesturing to my bedside table.
Sitting there was a small note and two blue pills.
I just shook my head and looked back to him.

"How long have I been...what... happened...?"
I asked him, picking up the note and holding the small pills in my hands.

"You drank your worries again."
Lu sighed, placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose stressfully.

You should take these.~K

Feeling lightheaded, I quickly placed the note back on the table and shoved my head back into the comfy hotel room pillow.

"Mmmmffff..." I mumbled into the pillow, then sat back upright again.

Lu passed me a water bottle and I swigged the pills down my throat thankfully, hoping it would soon relieve my massive migraine.

"You got a little ahead of yourself last night." He said, giving me a worried look.

Memories continued coming back in bits and pieces, and I closed my eyes to recollect what had happened.
Some of it was there, but most of it was gone.

"Was it him?" I heard Lu ask, and I opened my eyes quickly.

"Was it who?"


The letter K rang in my mind and repeated itself, mocking my current state of mind.
I held my gaze to his face, trying to keep a calm complexion. He opened his mouth, but then sighed and changed his mind.

"Mmmmmph, nevermind." He muttered, looking down at his phone.

I let out the breath I was holding in slowly.
I took in my own appearance, lifting the covers up.
I was wearing a hotel robe, which was strange to me since I don't usually like to sleep with anything on.

"If it was really that bad, how did I dress myself and get to bed..?" I half-whispered, cautiously sitting on the edge of the mattress.

"You can thank Kai for that. He brought you back and made sure you went to sleep well." He answered, placing some athletic wear near me.

Kai. Of course.
Did he really put me to bed?

I looked down at my robe again awkwardly, feeling a deep shade of color appearing in my cheeks.
I heard Luhan chuckle softly.

"You were already wearing that."
He said, standing.

I looked to the side, trying to hide my expression and the embarrassing heat radiating off of my cheeks.
"Of- of course." I muttered.

Jongin undressing-
I shook the thought out of my mind a bit too late.
Luhan walked over and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off of the bed.
My vision blurred around until it finally focused, and Lu held my shoulders to steady me.

"Thanks, Lu. For waiting for me."
I said, picking up the clothes he had given me and rubbing my eyes once more.
"I'm sorry if I was any trouble."

Lu smiled softly and shook his head.
"Go get ready. Rehearsal is starting soon."
He said, pushing me into the bathroom.

"See ya there.~"
He shut the door with the swish of his hand, and he was gone.

I placed my clothes on the bathroom counter and walked to the mirror.
My hair was sprawled around my face, my robe half-untied.
There were bags underneath my eyes, marking my extreme exhaustion.
My cheeks were still a soft pink.

I took off my robe slowly and turned the shower on.
I ran my hand through my soft hair once more, and traced my index finger across my lip.
I thought of Kai, laying me down in the hotel room bed softly in the darkness of night.

Would he really...
I shook the thought and walked into the steam of the shower, surrounding me and accompanying my blurred thoughts and confused emotions.
A/N: This'll be the last post for this week, because I have an anime convention this weekend and I'm going to be really busy..XD
Thanks for the continuous support on this fanfic, I will try to continue getting you long updates frequently ^^
Also, I would really value your opinion below, and if you enjoyed it please take a moment and give this chapter a rate, it means a lot to me!
Thank you guys<3

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