Chapter Three

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Trevor rams me into the apartment and slams the door. I stumble off by a wall and stand there waiting for whatever is to come next. At first, everything is silent. His back is turned to me as I think about what he might do next. I blink, and when my eyes open again, the backside of Trevor's hand comes down hard on the right side of my face. My knees buckle and I fall onto the floor immediately holding the side of my face he hit. Pain stings in my cheek as I stare up at him, tears swelling in my eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asks me.

"Me?" I ask back, my eyes widening.

"You love seeing me humiliated, don't you?" he screams as he comes closer. I slide back against the floor until my back hits the wall. I slide myself up the wall so that I'm standing again. Trevor corners me in. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say to him.

"Yes you do. You have your little game all figured out, hm? What you called that Carter dude up and tell him to meet you there? You fucking that guy behind my back? Or is it the waiter? Do you bang both of them behind my back?" Trevor yells in my face.

"No! I'd never do that to you!" I yell back, trying to convince him of my loyalty.  As quickly as I say it, his hands are wrapped around my neck holding me to the wall. 

"You fucking liar!" he screeches as he slowly closes my airways, making it harder to breathe.

"Trevor, stop! You're hurting me!" I gasp, as if he didn't already know. His grasp gets tighter and I'm unable to take a single breath. My fingers begin to claw at his hands in an attempt to gain freedom.

"I bet they were in my house! How many times did you screw them while I was at work?" I feel myself slipping away from awareness, and I hope that when I'm out of it, it'll only be for a while and not an eternity. 

"Please,"  I manage to get out. He peels me away from the wall and tosses me over to the couch where I plummet like a Raggedy Ann doll onto the cushions. I start wheezing for air straightaway, filling my lungs with all of the oxygen that I can. My intakes are deep and sloppy until I'm stable again. Trevor takes a few step towards me and I shrink back.

"You're nothing but a slut," he insults me. The tears in my eyes stack onto one another, but they stay back. "You hear me? I make eye contact with him. His icy scowl sends shivers down my spine. "I said do you hear me, bitch?" he hollers.

When I don't say anything, he comes closer to me with his fists ready. Then I just can't hold my tears back any longer. A down pour starts on my face as I put my hands up in a frail attempt to defend myself. "No, no, no, no," I scream out as I keep crying even harder. 

He holds me down by my neck again with his left hand and raises his right fist over my face. I keep begging him not to hit me, but he doesn't seem to hear me. He doesn't want to, anyway. His fist comes down fast, hitting me in the nose. Sweet agony pings through my nose as I cry out. "You think I want to do this to you? You make me do this to you!" Trevor shouts as he strikes me again. I feel a stream of blood begin to trickle down my nose. He holds me down harder and punches me in the jaw. My whole face explodes with searing torture. He whams on my lip, busting it open for sure. 

I scream and whimper as he hits me again. "Shut the fuck up, bitch!" Trevor demands. I instantly quiet down hoping that he'll stop. He leans back and looks at me, and his face softens. For a split second, I can see the guilt in his eyes, but then it's replaced with hatred. "You deserve this," he tells me.

"Please," I choke out as the taste of blood fills me mouth. The sound of my voice only seems to anger him even more. 

"You deserve all of this," he says before striking me once again. And after his fist connected with my face, my eyes blacked out. 

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