Verified (FVK)

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Kier's POV
I woke up and stretched sleepily. The sun was already shining through the curtains and catching me right in the eye. I sighed and rolled over to avoid the sunlight. Bevers was lying next to me, snoring softly with a smile on his face.
I lay still and listened closely. I could hear the birds singing sweetly outside. I could already tell this was going to be a good day. I looked over at the clock and chuckled to myself, it was already 10am and nobody seemed to be awake.
"There’s a surprise" I muttered sarcastically.
I reached for my phone and checked Twitter and Facebook, just like I did every morning. It was an unhealthy habit I’d gotten into. I instantly noticed that I had an unusual amount of twitter notifications. I usually got quite a few notifications throughout the day but never this many so early in the morning....I logged on and checked what the fuss was about....
"FUCKING HELL!" I cried leaping out of bed.
Laurence woke up with a startled cry and fell out of bed. He landed with a heavy 'thump' on the floor.
"Kier, what the fuck man?!" he moaned, "It's too damn early for you to be shouting"
"Stop complaining and check twitter!" I shouted.
"You've got to be joking" he sighed, climbing back onto the bed, "You wake me up, scare me half to death in the process and then want me to check twitter, without even apologising? Dream on Kemp. I'm going back to sleep"
"Just do it! Please" I insisted, "And I'm really sorry for waking you up" I added, flashing him my best smile.
Laurence sighed, once again, and got up to searched for his phone. After a moment or so of searching he turned to me, "I can't find it, lend me yours, please"
I held out my phone and smiled as he logged on....any second now he’d see what the fuss was about....any second...
"OHMYGOD!" He exclaimed a smile spreading across his features. Just then Drew came rushing in, his hair a mess, bleary eyed, half in, half out of his dressing gown, "Are you guys alright!? I heard you yelling!? Is everything okay!?"
"WE'RE VERIFIED!" Laurence and I yelled in unison.
Laurence threw Drew my phone and watched as he checked his profile, "WE'RE VERIFIED!" He echoed, starting to dance manically. Laurence and I joined Drew in his dancing. All three of us were dancing and smiling like a bunch of idiots, but who cares!?
This was such a big deal for us!
We were verified!
We had a blue tick!
We were officially twitter famous!

Luke's POV
I woke up and sighed in annoyance. Laurence, Kier and Drew were screaming their heads off. Again. Eugh!
Can't they go one single morning without waking me up with their shrieking!? Do they have no respect for other peoples sleeping needs!? I bet they were arguing over a stupid game again. Or something petty like that.
I swung my legs out of bed and stormed along to Keveridge's room. They better have a good reason for this otherwise I'm gonna be pissed.
I  stormed into the room a few minutes later, "You better have a decent reason for waking me up with all this bloody noise"
Drew just laughed and threw Kier's phone at me.
"Oi! Careful with that!" Kier warned.

"Check your profile!" Drew beamed, ignoring Kier completely.
I laughed a little as I took the phone. We always ignored Kier’s girly cries about his precious phone. I clicked onto my twitter profile and my jaw dropped open, "Jesus Christ! We're god damn verified!"
My smile stretched from ear to ear. I couldn’t believe this! This was more than we’d ever dreamed could happen!
"We're blue!" Drew suddenly exclaimed.
We all burst out laughing and collapsed onto Laurence and Kier’s beds.
"Wait a sec, Where's Shane?" asked Laurence, once most of our laughter had died down.
"Didn't he wake up with you?" Kier asked Drew.
"Obviously not..." I answered for him, rolling my eyes.
Kier turned to me and shot me the finger, "Don't be sassy Luke"
"I wouldn't be being sassy if three certain people hadn't woken me up with their shouting" I said winking at him and shooting him the finger back.
"Let's go get him; he needs to join in the excitement!" Shouted Drew running off to his room, ignoring mine and Kier's sarcastic remarks.
"Let's go" smiled Laurence following him. After a bit of playful pushing and shoving Kier and I followed suit.
"I don't believe it" I heard Kier say in disbelief. He'd stopped just inside the bedroom door, right in the bloody way. I shoved him over slightly and peered around him. I stared in utter disbelief. Lying in bed, curled up in the blanket and fast asleep was Shane!
"How did you not wake him up?" I giggled nudging Laurence.
"We managed to wake everybody else" Kier shrugged with a smile.
"He sleeps like the dead" Laur decided.
"Let's wake him up?" I asked.
Drew grinned evilly then proceeded to throw himself on top of Shane whilst screaming "Verified mother fucker!" at the top of his, very large, lungs.

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