What the fuck?

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As I was walking, I thought to myself, (what other games could I play/speed paints could I do)? 

I looked at my phone, no new texts from my buddies. Of course there aren't, they're all busy!

If you don't know, my friends are Wade (stupid Wade), Bob, Mark, Pewds, Cry, Yami, Jack, and Martzia. I set down my cell phone, and walked to something I saw. It was a giant hole in the middle of the mountain. I found some climbing rope near by, and started to climb down, using my cell as a flashlight. "Why the fucking hell is it so dark?"

Snap! The rope snapped as I was climbing down. 


I fell down onto what felt like a few flowers, but still hard enough to hurt myself. "Ow! Fucking shit! God damn it!"

I managed to get up and start walking. 

I think a flower was crying.

"What the hell?"

He turned to me with a creepy as fuck face. "GeT aWaY fRoM mE!"

"Ah ah ah, your gonna have to try harder, ah ah ah!" I scolded (GCN: Until Dawn anyone?).

"Oh, you're a human?"

"Last I checked I was."

"Oh no! You need to get out of here before she find you!"

I looked around as I heard faint footsteps. A small rock or behind a pillar? I ran behind the pillar, it was farther but the rock was too small. I heard a woman yell at the flower.

"Where is the human?"

"I don't know!" the flower told her.

"Tell me or I'll kill you!"

"Hey, hey, hey, what the fuck lady?" I asked.

"Oh, we haven't had a girl come down here. I can't believe this flower hid you!" She seemed nice, but a bit insane.

"Sorry, but from video games I've played you always need to hide from a demon-monster trying to kill you," you told her.

"Come with me child, I'll show you my home!"

"May I take the flower?" 

"Sure.... I'll be up ahead, please take car of yourself," she smiled and ran off.

I found a boot from my bag and put the flower in. "I'm y/n, what about you?"

"Flowey the flower."

"Nice to meet you Flowey."

We walked around a bit, until we got into a fight with a frog thing. A heart that was (f/c) appeared.





"Okay, only use Mercy to flee, you have to fight!"

"But it's not a fair fight!" I told the flower.

"In this world, it's kill or be killed."

I thought about something. "Hey, you're kinda cute, ya know that?" I pat its head.

"It's a froggit! It can't understand-."

I hit the Mercy button, then the Spare option.

"Why did you-?"

"If I killed it, then I would be just like the monsters that hurt you," I smiled.

He smiled up at me.

"Hey! I'm trying to pretend to sleep here!" someone yelled.

I jumped and saw a ghost with headphones and an angry face.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I am!"

"Careful, this is Napstablook. He doesn't have a sense of humor."

"Hey I'm really funny!" he yelled.

I smiled. "Then tell a joke! If you make us laugh then we'll change it!"

"Alright! Want to know why you can't escape? It's because I teared away the exit."

I started to laugh at his joke. "Fine, you have a horrible sense of humor!" Flowey told him.

"Hey, Napstablook. Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not!"

"You sure?"

"Well, I'm mad at this one person I used to call cousin. He left me because he wanted to be a huge star."

"Maybe I'll meet him, and I'll talk to him for you!"

"You can try, your kindness will kill you one day."

"Doesn't matter to me!"

He phased through the wall, and I walked on. I was determined to meet his cousin.

Little failures (Underfell!Mettaton X reader)Where stories live. Discover now