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After getting bandaged and sleeping, Papyrus took me to Undyne's place.

I don't know why, but he is. We walked to her house and of course, Undyne didn't like that.

"Let's just go Papyrus, I think you overestimated her," I told him. This works all the time with my friends and scary games.

She picked me up. "We're not going to be just friends, well be besties!"

"If I'm not in Snowdin by the fourth time Sans falls asleep you'd better check up on me!"

Papyrus gave me an 'irk' look. Undyne closed (more like slammed) the door.

"Alright human!" She threw me down on the stool. "You want something to drink?"


She set out some things for drinking. I tried to stand up but she threw a spear making the table break.

She smiled. "Just use that spear to point at what you want to drink!"

I pulled it out.... and fell over. I wish Flowey was here, but I left him with the brothers since he freaked out last time.

"Fuhuhuhu! Humans are so weak!"

I stood up. "My work was literally on the computer. Though I did have a small job helping on of my friends with camera work when he did weird stuff... actually all my friends do weird shit at times. And by that I mean all the time."

Undyne kept laughing and I managed to pick up the weapon and pointed to some tea.

"Golden Flower, huh? Say didn't you have a flower when we battled?"

I gulped. This should be interesting.

She made me the tea tgen we talked. She asked about life on the surface, and I answered everything.

"So in one country there's a vote for being president. I don't want to get into detail, makes my head hurt. All modern presidents are bad in one way or another."


"They're kinda like king, but they don't have that much power. If they want to make a law there's a ton of voting, I don't want to explain, I spaced out in history class."

"Human! Are you alright?" Papyrus asked.

"Yep! See you Undyne!"

"Bye human!"

We walked back to Snowdin.

Mettaton POV

I watched the girl on the screen. She's just so kind to us, I even almost killed her, does she forgive me? At least she didn't dismantle me, huh?

I turned off the screen. I'm going to have to prepare for the next show.

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